California Democrat Proposes ‘Robot Tax’… to Protect Workers – IOTW Report

California Democrat Proposes ‘Robot Tax’… to Protect Workers

CPR: California could soon be the first U.S. state to impose a “robot tax” to mitigate the economic effects of the replacement of factory workers by machines — if one San Francisco Democrat gets her way.

According to Wired magazine:

San Francisco supervisor Jane Kim, who Wednesday launched a campaign called the Jobs of the Future Fund to study a statewide “payroll” tax on job-stealing machines. Proceeds from the tax would bankroll things like job retraining, free community college, or perhaps a universal basic income―countermeasures Kim thinks might make a robotic future more bearable for humans.

The idea is being discussed in industrialized countries the world over, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is beginning to outpace human development in the workplace.  MORE

23 Comments on California Democrat Proposes ‘Robot Tax’… to Protect Workers

  1. Soooo, the Dems/Progs push through a huge minimum wage increase which forces businesses to automate more of their activities which destroys thousands and thousands of jobs then the Dens/Progs bemoan the “robots” and propose a robot tax which pays for welfare (they’re lying if they say it’s for anything else) for the people whose jobs were destroyed by “robots” that their employers had to turn to when the Dems/Progs forced an job destroying minimum wage on them. Ok, got it. Business as usual for the Dems/Progs.

  2. How to drive Californians out of CA.
    I grew up in CA and love a lot of things about it. But I am thinking about how to establish residency elsewhere while still spending a lot of time here, to avoid the tax situation which is about to snowball.

  3. I’m confused… Nancy Pelosi told us that unemployment the type of “liberation” that the Founders had in mind because it allows you to become a photographer, a writer, a musician–or whatever.
    Now they want to protect workers??

  4. Read Henry Hazlitt’s classic Economics In One Lesson. Although it has been updated it was originally penned in 1946. The moronic liberal argument about every worker being replaced with technology has been around for more than a hundred years. Although it’s been proven wrong a million times, it never stops liberals from making the same worn out arguments, and unfortunately, from doing their same destructive meddling in the economy.

  5. L/C Dan. Get the hell out while you can. Younger brother moved because of taxes, business climate. Recovered moving expenses in less than one year. There is still a huge demand for housing but that’s not going to last very long. Move while your house is still worth a fortune.

  6. Outdoorjohn; me too. Makes vacuuming a breeze. I can’t wait till they get robots that paint the house, do yard work and re-roofing. Send the illegals home and you won’t have to have a tax!

  7. In 10 to 20 years Robots will replace 70% of the workforce. It’s already starting. The Elites plans are to tax the Robots and distribute that money to us surfs so we can still purchase their products. There seems to be a lot missing in the equation. But we sure as hell don’t need anymore immigrants.

  8. Will the tax be more or less for the not quite human enough to be covered by human work rules, but more organic than robots that never shut off, New Semi-Americans™ that Business Needs To Survive™?

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