California Democrats Fail To Advance Bill That Would Make Child Trafficking a Serious Crime – IOTW Report

California Democrats Fail To Advance Bill That Would Make Child Trafficking a Serious Crime

WFB: Members of California’s overwhelmingly Democratic State Assembly prevented a bill that would make child sex trafficking a serious felony from advancing to the full Assembly, leaving the bill in what one Republican described as “legislative purgatory.”

The Assembly’s Appropriations Committee on Wednesday moved the bill to “the suspense file,” which Sacramento’s CapRadio describes as a parliamentary procedure that allows some bills to “be killed without public debate.”

Former state senator Melissa Melendez (R.) had an even starker definition, describing the procedure as “legislative purgatory.” more here

9 Comments on California Democrats Fail To Advance Bill That Would Make Child Trafficking a Serious Crime

  1. I want to know, but really don’t want to know, how my senator friend voted. He is a wonderful family man in person, but while he isn’t Scott Weiner left, he is pretty far left. I guess you have to be to win in Santa Monica.

  2. LCD,

    I had a rep in MN that was the same way. He ran on fiscal responsibility and I never wanted to vote for a D, so always supported him.

    The last primary season I lived in MN, I decided to join my local precinct to vote for whomever was running. He was the only one, but he showed up, and boy, was I disappointed. His voting record on the economy was good, but spotty in other areas.

    But the oily, fake, superior attitude really put me off.

    Remember how Moe Tom used to talk about Donald Trump when he would come by the Tower as they were working on it? He said how impressed he was and how personable Trump was.

    Well, that turd in MN was no Donald Trump!

  3. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who has case a single legitimate vote for ANY Democrat in the last half decade has done so knowing that in doing so they are just fine with child sexual exploitation, grooming and human trafficking.

    I mean that statement to be taken literally and without reservation.

  4. Claudia , Moe Tom was so right about Donald Trump. Sometimes my Aunts & Cousins would make little day trips from NJ to see a matinee show then stop by the Plaza Hotel for a late lunch/early dinner. DJT would visit their table and schmooze.


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