California Democrats Propose In-State Tuition for Refugees – IOTW Report

California Democrats Propose In-State Tuition for Refugees

Breitbart: California Democrats have proposed a law to give refugees in-state tuition at publicly-funded colleges and universities, and grant to others “priority enrollment status” over U.S. citizens.

According to the Orange County Register, State Assembly Democrats announced a package of bills Wednesday to grant refugees in-state tuition at public colleges and provide money to school districts with large child refugee populations.

Another bill in the package would also give refugees with Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) who served the U.S. Armed Forces or State Department in Iraq or Afghanistan priority enrollment in public colleges and help them apply foreign work experience toward a professional license.

Assemblymembers Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego), and Adrin Nazarian (D-Sherman Oaks) held a press conference in Sacramento on Wednesday to announce their package of bills.  MORE

13 Comments on California Democrats Propose In-State Tuition for Refugees

  1. There’s a couple of these whack jobs writing similar bills. But they already have programs that give Illegals State Funded tuition and preferential treatment when enrolling. So if your a parent that has college aged kids they take your tax dollars and pay for the illegals tuition and mean while your kid can’t enroll because there’s not enough space. We know parents this is happening to. But make no mistake this is an expansion of an existing program.

  2. Victor Davis Hanson was on John & Ken (KFI) tonight and covered how CA is now pretty much like the antebellum South just before the Civil War. Very well researched. Amazing social structure similarities. (High Tech/Hollywood and low income immigrants. Wipe-out of the middle class.)

    When I heard about Obamas’ conversation with Oz’s PM (or whatever) about trading Ozs’ problem M.E. immigrants for Central Americas’ immigrants, I was like…WTF?! They’re talking about trading swaths of poor people from one part of the world with another swath of poor people from yet another part of the world….Jesus Fucking Christmas…Uh…Slavery Much???! Shit. Off these fuckers.

  3. We should deport every last California Democrat to Mexico, where they can live in the type of society they obviously desire to be in – rather than recreating a copy of Mexico in California to make them happy.

  4. Well, if Trump, for some asinine reason, can’t stop the refugees for now, he should send all of them to Pelosi’s district in California. Obama liked stuffing them into small town America, so why not?

  5. No matter how much money you give to these people, their problem is not a lack of access to resources. Their problem is a lack of assimilation. Learning is hard, when you have no desire to work at it. If they want to eat, they’re going to learn to work!

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