California Dems thrash around on their great blue wave – IOTW Report

California Dems thrash around on their great blue wave

AT: In the year of their so-called blue wave, California’s Democrats, ensconced in the bluest state in the union, are in the midst of what the New York Times leads with “mushrooming political chaos across Southern California.”

Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of leftwing powermongers.

Apparently, so many leftists have gotten word of a great blue wave for Democrats this year that there are too many of them running. With Democrats creating a top-two system for a runoff in November, that means they are cannibalizing each other. Funnier still, nationally, they need to flip California’s seven retiring Republican seats in Southern California blue or no takeover of the House for them. Their whole strategy is built on that, and that is where they are thrashing around.

Now they’ve got chaos for themselves, and might just see Republicans win as a result.

18 Comments on California Dems thrash around on their great blue wave

  1. Never underestimate the stupidity of the California voter.
    Just when they seem to be achieving some sort of sentience, they revert to a nightmarish somnambulance that borders on imbecility.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. all day long all we get is TV ads for Communists that are more left of Fidel Castro bragging about it….openly….it is sick as half of them are under 30 and calling themselves “obabma democrats” which Websters defines as clueless socialists with no education

  3. Greaseman replaced Howard Stern on DC 101? back in the 80s. Stern called an airline (I forget which one) on air, to ask how much a one way flight from Reagan National to the 14th St bridge was. This was right after a terrible plane crash were a plane crashed on takeoff, hitting the bridge and plunged into the Potomac river. 78 people died. Stern was gone. 1982.

    Greaseman was pretty funny though.

  4. Greaseman got into trouble mocking the newly created Martin Luther King holiday by saying “why don’t we shoot 4 more and get the whole week off?”

    Sorry. Don’t know how we got off on this tangent.

    More fun than greaseman? Watching the Democrats cannibalize itself.

  5. Greaseman was a radio personality (as mentioned above) who ended his show with “AMF!” Funny guy who was undone by the negro grievance industry. Not only that MLK Jr thing but after that dude was dragged behind the truck in Texas and, upon hearing some caterwauling negro woman, he quipped: “No wonder they drag em behind trucks.”

    Some people don’t understand humor – sardonic, sarcastic, or dark.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Kool Aid is right…The political ads are horrendous. Open push for illegals, socialism, anti-Trumpism. Makes me fighting mad. But if you think calif is going to be red or even pink you’re nuts.


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