California Didn’t Need the Guns, Until They Did – IOTW Report

California Didn’t Need the Guns, Until They Did

Silver Lining Coronavirus Lessons

18 Comments on California Didn’t Need the Guns, Until They Did

  1. Imagine that.
    heads exploding.
    californians should take some time to read the United States Constitution. I was going to say second amendment but they have way to many hoops to jump thru violating just about the entire thing.
    they could always buy a piece from Miguel down the street.

  2. If I was a retailer in one of those areas, I would hire the biggest Bubba Smith-type to act as a security guard, with a uniform and a gun. Stop that shoplifting shit right now.

  3. I was getting my bi weekly IV drip about 10 days ago. 5 hours worth. So you meet a pretty regular diverse crowd. Some one mentioned that they had heard on the news all the ammo had been purchased from the local gun stores. The usual lib conversation ensued. I kept my mouth shut. Finally one of the nurses says, for Crist sake it’s a virus, it’s not like you can shoot it as it heads up your driveway. Well there’s a black lady there, prison guard, who starts laughing (I think I was laughing too). She says, “you don’t get it, they’re buying guns and ammo to protect all that toilet paper from people that are going to try and take it by force”. You could have heard a pin drop. So I had to throw in the old “we are nine meals from anarchy, plan accordingly”. End of that conversation.

  4. Gun story. I grew up with guns – mostly shotguns for hunting, but we enjoyed shooting all types of firearms. Got married to a woman who didn’t like guns, moved to the LA area, and did not own a gun for quite some times to appease the wife, because we had kids, and because it was inconvenient to find a place to shoot.

    Then came the King riots. I was at a Laker’s playoff game, which was about 3 or four miles from the epicenter, and saw first hand what happens when people lose their collective minds. The police were helpless; looters were smashing windows and grabbing merchandise in front of police lines, people were being beaten, and dozens of buildings were torched. I bought a shotgun pretty soon thereafter.

    The two takeaways from that period of time were (1) society can break down pretty easily, and (2) you need to worry about folks who live in large cities. People who live in large urban areas are almost completely dependent on commercial enterprises and government services for everything they need to survive, and when those lines of supply are threatened, these people can become dangerous. I live in a rural area now, and while I’m not concerned about my neighbors, I am concerned about urbanites fanning out to obtain what they believe they need.

    Where we live now, police response time is about 20 minutes if we are lucky. Wife has completely changed her way of thinking – I taught her how to shoot and she has a gun she can handle. God forbid that we would ever have to use a gun on another person, but God help you if you don’t have one.

  5. Yeah, don’t get your hopes up. For the last few emergencies, we all have been hearing about how people are buying up guns and ammo to “protect” themselves. We especially hear this coming from hard left states. Yet, when the “emergencies” are over, are any laws changed? relaxed? removed? No. They go back to being the left wing idiots that they always have and will be. The only good thing is that when everything goes back to normal, there will be an abundance of cheap, unfired weapons that get sold by the lefties who don’t want to be associated with those evil weapons anymore. (Until the next “emergency”)

  6. Hey Brad, there’s a bunch of us that are cheering you on, stay strong and don’t let those nurses push you around. This would be a tough time to be spending your days off in a doctors office. Prayers go out to all of us iOTWers that are fighting battles! Nine meals from anarchy or 90 miles from tyranny, might be close to the same.

  7. An 11 minute video for fuck’s sake? Get to the fucking point in two, ya shitbag. I’ve got perimeters to secure. For fucking shit fucking sake, ya gottdammed gasbag.


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