California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over ‘misinformation’ law – IOTW Report

California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over ‘misinformation’ law


A group of five licensed physicians filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Governor Gavin Newsom (D) and the Medical Board of California regarding a law they claimed would violate their First Amendment rights and constitutional right to due process.

Newsom signed the law in September, and it is set to take effect in January. It would allow the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California to take disciplinary action against physicians who provide patients with “misinformation” about COVID-19.

The law states, “[I]t shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

According to the lawsuit, “misinformation” is “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” more

9 Comments on California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over ‘misinformation’ law

  1. And just WHO is the self-righteous pig
    who decides what is “misindoctrinstion” ?

    We all know it couldn’t possibly be a
    smellocratic party pig or fellow traveler.

  2. ^^^^ And further more you need to laugh at the idea that some partisan dumb ass politician, who in reality has never accomplished a damn thing, knows more about medicine than a doctor.

  3. If they can do it with COVID-19, they can so it with ANYTHING.

    Pretty hard to make any medical advances or even do drug trials if everyone is locked into a State-approved orthodoxy determined by consensus opinion by Fauci type “Doctors” who don’t even see patients any more.

  4. …rigid medical orthodoxy ignores the fact that medicine of necessity is an evolutionary process.

    For example, back in the day, I had protocols I was required to follow as a State licensed medic. One such involved the use of a medical appliance known as MAST, an acronym for Military Anti-Shock Trousers. This was a garment with three independently inflatable sections for the legs and abdomen that was developed (as the name implies) by the military based on the G-suit, the logic being that you could squeeze the blood from the extremeties in a crisis situation to temporarily raise blood pressure, with the added benefit that it could tamponade abdominal and leg bleeds and stabilize leg fractures. This was state of the art prehopital care at the time, and also a huge pain in the rear to apply, but we were assured it was worth it.

    Fast forward 30 odd years and I’m talking to a co-worker who would have been a baby at that time, but now came to work with me by way of a stint in the military in Afghanistan and Iraq and other garden spots, and had done combat emergency medical care. I asked him about if he had ever deployed MAST, and the blank look told me that this wasn’t taught any more, so I dug deeper.

    I came to find out that these had fallen out of favor in the late ’90s as they were found to not significantly alter outcomes while possibly causing other problems such as compartment syndrome and extremety blood deprivation, while also increasing scene time for application which delayed arrival at the hospital.

    So a medical device that “In 1977 the Committee on Trauma for the American College of Surgeons listed MAST as essential devices on all ambulances.”, were taken off the ambulances by and large by 1997 as being at best unhelpful and at worst as actively damaging.

    …had we had prevailing medical consensus for this device that no one was ever allowed to question, as the Newsome protocol calls for with Coof, this useless, expensive, inconvenient, and possibly injurious device would be locked in for use forevermore.

    This is just one example, there are millions of others. The point is that you can’t do science or progress medicine if you are NEVER allowed to question the orthodoxy or try new things.

    The science is NEVER settled.

    But it CAN be forced to STAGNATE.

  5. “…rigid medical orthodoxy ignores the fact that medicine of necessity is an evolutionary process.”

    That’s not all that evolves. So do the viruses. This bull shit law lacks any type of logical thought process.

  6. There’s that word again, consensus. Back in 1982, when two Australian researchers said ulcers were caused by a bacteria, the consensus was that they were nuts. Science doesn’t work by consensus.


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