California: Documents reveal Governor Newsom’s secret $1B CCP Deal – IOTW Report

California: Documents reveal Governor Newsom’s secret $1B CCP Deal

California Global: In a Special report from Judicial Watch, a conservative legal watchdog group has announced that it received hundreds of pages of documents revealing the contract materials and communications related to a $1 billion contract for face masks between the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the Chinese Communist Party linked BYD.

BYD reportedly has been barred by law from some federal contracts for providing faulty electric vehicles and lithium batteries to U.S. buyers.

The documents, all 848 pages of which can be viewed here, reveal that an OES legal representative admits that the state deviated from their normal procurement process for this contract.

Additionally, in the contract with the OES, BYD uses a different name, Global Healthcare Product Solutions, LLC., and BYD provides no liability or warranty for the masks if they are faulty.

The records were produced in response to a Public Records Request sent to the California Governor’s OES for all records and communications related to the state’s contract for masks with BYD.

Judicial Watch released them on Tuesday, January 5th.

‘Normal procurement process has been deviated’

The records include an April 7, 2020, email from the OES Assistant Chief Counsel Jennifer Bollinger to Oscar Su, Senior Director of BYD America, in which Bollinger states, “Our normal procurement process has been deviated from given the exigency of the situation.”

In an April 6, 2020, email Stella Lu, the president of BYD Motors (the guarantor of the masks) tells Mark Ghilarducci, the director of the OES that they should, “open champagne tomorrow morning at our conference call,” where they will finalize the purchase by California of $1 billion worth of BYD masks.

On April 7, John Zhuang, counsel for BYD and BYD’s lead negotiator, sent the finalized contracts to Bollinger, who led the negotiations for the OES. Bollinger replied, “This is very exciting!!! We will circle back today with the signature as soon as we can.”

In an amendment to the master agreement, BYD had to refund $247 million to California of the $495 million down payment they had received apparently because they weren’t able to meet the deadline of receiving National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) certification for their N95 masks. The certification deadline was extended from April 30, 2020, to May 31, 2020.

SF employees pension fund all over the deal

On March 28, 2020, Brian Stansbury, a member of the board of the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System, emailed Grady Joseph of the OES and Paul Teng of Himalaya Capital in order to introduce Joseph to Teng, saying, “Grady as we discussed the pension system for the City of San Francisco – the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS) – reached out to our investment partners to see how they can help in the fight against COVID-19.” read more

10 Comments on California: Documents reveal Governor Newsom’s secret $1B CCP Deal

  1. The last time a California governor was recalled they ended up with some dumb, maid-fucking & impregnating Austrian steroid-addled dipshit moron that was married to a dumbfuck horse-faced Kennedy cunt.

    Hopefully they choose wisely this time.

  2. “The last time a California governor was recalled they ended up with some dumb, maid-fucking & impregnating Austrian steroid-addled dipshit moron that was married to a dumbfuck horse-faced Kennedy cunt.” -LocoBlancoSaltine

    *Snorts Kahlua on keybord*

  3. Newsome is almost a perfect representation of the democrat party. Communist, authoritarian, queer.

    As Jan 6 showed, the mostly peaceful freedom fighters in this country have had enough of Newsome type democrats and their cia linked black ops election theft operations, and aren’t taking it anymore.

  4. Any politician who trys to stop the flow of backdoor Chinese money will be put through hell by both parties. Ask President Trump. He’ll agree with me I’ll bet.

  5. Other than doing business with China, which may be an unpopular move to many people, what about this purchase arrangement was violating what California laws?

    I’m not understanding the illegality of this.


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