California Employers Getting Hit Hard Again with New 2021 Employment and Labor Laws – IOTW Report

California Employers Getting Hit Hard Again with New 2021 Employment and Labor Laws

California Globe:

As 2020 draws to a close, new state laws will be taking effect in January, changing the rules for employers regarding paid sick leave, COVID-19 reporting, classifying gig workers in California, requirements for minorities on boards, changes to workers’ compensation, among many others.

California Globe talked with Sandy Rappaport, a labor and employment attorney with Hanson Bridgett about some of the new laws and what they mean for employers.

California’s AB-685, which requires employers to inform employees and local health officials about COVID-19 in the workplace, takes effect in January, as does an increase in minimum wage and SB-1383, which expands the California Family Rights Act to cover all employers with five employees or more. It used to only apply to employers with 50 or more employees.

This means under the CFRA, now employers with only five employees will need to provide 12 weeks of job-protected family leave for bonding leave, illness, and active duty. The definition has also been expanded for family members — it now includes grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings.

Also under family leave, Assembly Bill 2017, revised the kin-care leave law to provide that an employee has the right to designate sick leave as for kin care; or for the employee’s own health condition or for obtaining relief if the employee is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. This is more like the paid time off system of personal time off which an employee can use at their sole discretion. read more


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23 Comments on California Employers Getting Hit Hard Again with New 2021 Employment and Labor Laws

  1. But people are getting their $600 checks soon, right? All will be well soon.

    We’re in good hands with our great government.

    What a fucking farce. Delusional, incompetent leftist elites in charge.

    Enjoy the new year, all. 2020 wasn’t shit compared to 2021++.

  2. I’d imagine that a California murder-for-hire business specializing in whacking politicians and bureaucrats would have a large potential clientele and might be quite profitable. What with the disappearing police forces and the new prog DAs, there would be only a slim chance of getting caught and even then there would be no bail costs and little or no jail time.

    The only real problem with this business model is all the new employer laws passed by the Dem pols and all the new bureaucrats to enforce them.

    Is this what you call a “chicken and egg problem”?


  3. Erik

    I paid 50 bucks and shot 5 rounds of 50 BMG. The bad news is my shoulder are tender. The right one still hurts. The good news, you’ll never ever flinch again shooting a pistol. LOL

  4. Uncle Al

    “Hey, I thought .50 was illegal in California! *snicker*”

    Everything is actually legal in California providing you can pay for the permit. But damn, I am impressed. Yes, 50 BMG is illegal for the average militia member. Not much difference in ballistics with the .470. Availability now is another issue.


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