California Foster Parents Being Asked to Take in “26 or more” Migrant Children from the Border – IOTW Report

California Foster Parents Being Asked to Take in “26 or more” Migrant Children from the Border

“I Consider it Human Trafficking

12 Comments on California Foster Parents Being Asked to Take in “26 or more” Migrant Children from the Border

  1. I’ve been in the orphanage environment as a kid, and its not a great family life. My former orphanage has long been closed and they now find real homes for feral kids where things are closer to a healthy upbringing, not hit and miss care.

  2. Thousands of “kids” who will go wild stealing everything in sight because it’s not a crime to steal less than $970. More stores will close and more people will be unemployed. This is genius if you want to destroy a society.

  3. ” This is genius if you want to destroy a society.”

    That’s exactly what the people behind it, from the top to the bottom, want.

    And the rest of us let them get away with it.

    They’re not stupid, but maybe we are.

  4. Recently heard a former military guy who has a foundation that fights against human trafficking.
    He said a fairly large percentage of those they rescue from sex traffickers, have come from the broken foster care system.
    The Demoncrats are just renewing their supply.

  5. diaper changing would be a big chore. Maybe turn them out into the pasture and call them in at feeding time.
    Might be what some are comfortable with.


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