California Gas Tax hike will take effect Nov. 1st – IOTW Report

California Gas Tax hike will take effect Nov. 1st


The massive gas tax that got jammed down our throats in April will go into effect next week on November 1st.

You can expect to see the price of gas go up by 12 cents per gallon, which is disgusting because we already pay some of the highest fuel taxes in the country.

This tax is really going to screw everyone who depends on commuting everyday, but the Legislature and Caltrans have twisted this issue into being about fixing the roads.   more

23 Comments on California Gas Tax hike will take effect Nov. 1st

  1. As usual the poor are hardest hit.

    I’m not leaving – yet – but I sure don’t see any potential for significant change in CA leadership to reverse the taxing and spending.

  2. Bam, 20 cents a gallon more on diesel on the first. The average California idiot doesn’t realize how their goods get to market. Not to mention I drive a diesel truck and I’m pissed.

  3. Damn, I hope my illegal gardener and illegal maid don’t up their fees due to travel costs. I won’t have enough to pay my illegal nanny or tip the illegal waiter at the restaurant. Life here is so damn hard.

  4. No state Income Tax in WA. Un(state)Constitutional. (Though the libs keep trying to do it anyway.) But my point is this: Our prop taxes aren’t higher than CA, nor sales Tax….but we have essentially a full slate of lefty overspending. I guess we just don’t have the Gigantor Pensions. Not sure.

  5. 😆😆 Taxes to fix the roads! 😆😆 Yeah right!

    It’s amazing that every time they want to do something, they need to raise taxes to do it, instead of the money they already steal from us.

    Oh 500 BRIDGES will be fixed you say? Another laugher! Since when is anything actually fixed, on time, and on budget?

    😆😆 More political comedy from Kalifornia.

  6. Between state and fed, Texans pay .38 per gallon. I think that is a hell of a lot of tax.

    I was looking for the amount in the story and didn’t see it. It’s on every pump here. Anyone in Kali know the total tax per gallon there?

  7. cato
    If we had water (actually right now we have plenty), we still couldn’t generate steam. During the winter month every county south of mine either regulates or has eliminated use of wood stoves to heat your home. So no burning wood to create steam.

  8. The money government fools people into paying NEVRT goes to the promised place. CA lottery was for schools. What a freaking joke. Horrid schools with protected bad teachers.

  9. Between state and fed, Texans pay .38 per gallon. I think that is a hell of a lot of tax.
    It’s one of the lowest gas taxes in the country. The good thing about the TX gas tax is that the funds are actually used for roads.

    The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon (cpg) and 24.4 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel fuel. On average, as of April 2012, state and local taxes add 31.1 cents to gasoline and 30.2 cents to diesel for a total US average fuel tax of 49.5 cents (cpg) per gallon for gas and 54.6 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel.

  10. Bad Brad how’s that Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) working out for you? I hate the damned overregulation that this has caused and every time we rent a newer diesel truck it’s a pain in the ass to make sure we have some with us so it doesn’t run out and powers the truck down to nothing when it runs out. It only happened once but it was a major league pain in the ass trying to get to the nearest truck stop to get some DEF.

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