California Gov. Gavin Newsom Blocks Woke ‘Critical Theory’ From Becoming Public School Curriculum – IOTW Report

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Blocks Woke ‘Critical Theory’ From Becoming Public School Curriculum

Daily Caller: Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill Wednesday that mandated an ethnic studies course as a high school graduation requirement, noting it was “insufficiently balanced and inclusive.”

“I value the role ethnic studies plays in helping students think critically about our history and understand the experience of marginalized communities in our state,” Newsom’s statement read. “This academic discipline will help prepare our young adults to become civically engaged and participate fully in our democracy.”

“The bill, however, would require ethnic studies to be taught in high school at a time when there is much uncertainty about the appropriate K-12 model curriculum for ethnic studies,” he added. “Last year, I expressed concern that the initial draft of the model curriculum was insufficiently balanced and inclusive.” more

10 Comments on California Gov. Gavin Newsom Blocks Woke ‘Critical Theory’ From Becoming Public School Curriculum

  1. Ya, Not the real reason.

    Trump has made this horse shit theory/indoctrination front and center and now that it has seen the light of day Newsome knows this is an administration killer.

  2. He did just sign a bill that explores how to pay to pay reparations to California slaves. The wife and I looked at each other and said since when did California allow slaves. Well it turns out California did allow slaves for 11 months at the start of the gold rush. Holy shit

  3. Joe, they absolutely could have been. Kind of interesting, we live at the base of the gold rush area. There’s still an area referred to as Mormon Island. There’s another area, Negro Bar. Named after the encampments where each racial group settled. Now ironically enough, BLM had a living shit fit over Negro Bar. Turns out there’s a bunch of black people that are relatives of people that were from Negro Bar that help in the care taking. It’s now a national park. BLM backed down. But not over Hangtown. They’re still showing up.

  4. ^^^^^^^
    Yea, I don’t know about that, but it’s well documented he banged his best mans wife the night before one of his many weddings. Kamel Toe would have brought the strap on for that little bitch.


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