California: Gov. Gavin Newsom recall vote set for Sept. 14 – IOTW Report

California: Gov. Gavin Newsom recall vote set for Sept. 14


The recall election for California Gov. Gavin Newsom is set for Sept. 14.

Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis chose the date just hours after the recall was formally certified. 

On Sept. 14, California voters will be asked two questions: 1. if they want to recall Newsom, and 2. if so, who should replace him. If 50% or more of voters answer “yes” to the first question, the candidate with the most votes in question two becomes the next governor of the U.S.’s most populous state. 

After elections officials verified more than 1.5 million signatures on the recall petition last week, the state had 90 days to hold the special election. 

The recall petition garnered over 1.7 million signatures, of which only 43 were withdrawn, leaving the effort well above the 1.5 million threshold. more here

15 Comments on California: Gov. Gavin Newsom recall vote set for Sept. 14

  1. I’d be very worried were I this asshole. CA sucks, their failed policies are hurting both sides, and Newsom is nothing more than an incompetent, narcissistic hypocrite with zero leadership skills or charisma.

  2. @billy – there is a deadline to file to run, 2 weeks from today.
    Last time, when the governator won, there were well over100 candidates including Gary Coleman and a porn star and Larry Flynt. Those 3 won more votes than most, but Arnold handily beat out the one serious Dem and our pal Tom McClintock.

  3. LCD – Last time, a friend of mine got himself on the ballot.
    We had a great time “campaigning”.
    He received 1,600 votes, which helps explain California voters.

    On Newsom, I don’t see him suffering a Gray Davis fate, but I can still have some hope.
    Here in the state capital, Newsom is still a demi-G*d.
    Of course, we’re a scarlet-red zone up here.

  4. There are a couple really good candidates running. One of them is the Mayor of San Diego. But he hasn’t cut off his dick so you won’t hear anything about him. The media is controlling who will be elected.

  5. Considering that Dems outnumber us 2 to 1 here, the state has opened up, and Newsom pulled a phantom budget surplus out of his ass, which means free shit for the usual suspects, I don’t think he has anything to worry about.

  6. I’m going to prove my psychic abilities once again by predicting that the recall election will require weeks to get all the votes counted, and, at the end, Newsom will retain his office by a slim 0.1% vote margin, and no one will be able to find anyone who actually voted to retain him.

  7. rich taylor

    Yesterdays additional gas tax increase will negate that in a hurry. Newsom Inc. is actually pretty stupid. Notice how his recent affair has disappeared from the media. Interesting how they can conveniently eliminate their unfunded CalPers fiasco from the states balance sheet. If you did that in the private sector you’d be headed to jail.

  8. Expect some very positive headlines in August; vaccine participation rising, covid cases diminishing, jobs added (all numbers made up, of course), unemployment insurance extended, more climate change legislation, and all will be forgiven.

    George Soros has too much invested in Newsom to let him wither on the vine, he is banking on Newsom being president one day, and it is not as far fetched as it seems.


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