California Gov. Newsom formally endorses Biden for president – IOTW Report

California Gov. Newsom formally endorses Biden for president

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom formally endorsed Joe Biden for president on Friday, praising the former vice president for his “deep compassion and empathy” during a virtual high-dollar fundraiser in partnership with the Democratic National Committee.

“I just couldn’t be more proud of you and the prospects of your presidency,” he told Biden.

Newsom’s endorsement of Biden, a fellow Democrat, was expected. But the first-term governor has been careful to avoid the appearance of partisan politics as he steers the nation’s most populous state through the coronavirus pandemic.

He’s regularly complimented Republican President Donald Trump, even using Trump’s slogan of “promise made, promise kept” recently when thanking him for sending California testing swabs. Trump’s campaign quickly put the clip in a digital ad alongside positive remarks by other Democrats. It’s one of several ads that feature Newsom. read more

13 Comments on California Gov. Newsom formally endorses Biden for president

  1. We’re up to almost 21,500 clumps of cells dying in New York now.
    I couldn’t care less. They’re not people.
    If liberals and nazis have the right to decide what is a person, so do i.
    Liberals think babies aren’t people. Nazi’s think Jews aren’t people.
    I think liberals aren’t people.

    I demand taxpayer funding of Planned Virushood to help people eliminate clumps of cells in New York.

  2. If the Democrats actually run Biden they are either stupid or overestimate the dislike of Trump among the general population of voters (that is, legitimate voters if they are kept to only legitimate ones doing the voting).

    I think Trump would likely gain votes if Biden runs from many people who hate Trump but oppose electing Biden more.

    Or maybe there is a higher authority at work that really runs things from the hidden background and has other plans to use Trump for their own reasons?

    Or maybe it is all just a distraction to keep attention drawn away from them and their real control of everything?

  3. This is a very smart move. Governor Newsom can’t step forward to save the Dementiacrat Party from the withdrawal of Poor Joey for medical reasons and Trump’s re-election if he’s not on board now. He’s has to be a loyal supporter if he’s going to step up to save the day, or run in 2024. Can’t wait for that Full Catastrophe Convention in August.

  4. Polls all show that people are behind the shutdown. They don’t want the economy to reopen.
    How can this be? It’s very simple. When the shutdown started, Clyburn of the dem party said it was an opportunity for the democrats to remake society. That’s what they did. They juiced up unemployment compensation to a level where over half of workers on unemployment make more money now than they did working.

    So now, the only people hurting are business owners. They are getting fk’ed up the azz. This is what the democrats want. And workers are getting compensated more highly by lookiing to the gov’t. This is also what the democrats want.

    They are remaking society to kill business owners and make people want to work for the gov’t. Or at least have gov’t in control.
    The democrats succeeded.

    And i can’t stress highly enough…..all while those cksucking republicans in congress and the white house let them do it.

    The republicans are the like the dirty cops who make sure the crooks can get away after a crime.

    Can you tell that i hate those mf republicans in congress even more than i hate democrats?

    If your house was being robbed by crooks and then you heard the police sirens and you had a sigh of relief, only to find out the cops were going to stand lookout for the crooks, if your like me, you’re anger would shift from the crooks to the crooked cops.

    The republican party is crooked cops and i hate them.

  5. @Gonad the Barbarian May 11, 2020 at 10:18 am

    > over half of workers on unemployment make more money now than they did working

    It’s almost, not quite, of course, but almost… like keeping money out of the workers’ filthy, little hands… so it can be taken by stronger, better hands… was the plan. All along.

    What could, possibly, go wrong?

  6. If REgressives can do what they’ve done to CA, a solid Republican state until the early 90s, they sure as hell can do it to any state. I watched in horror at what they did to CO and am watching the slo-mo death of Texas from a soon to be vacated front row seat.

  7. “deep compassion and empathy”

    did hiden biden finger governor nancy’s nephew too ??

    did nancy have to to tell him to endorse hiden biden ?

    why’s he so late to the finger bang party ?


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