California Governor Signs a Bill That Allows Citizens to Say No to Assisting Police Officers – IOTW Report

California Governor Signs a Bill That Allows Citizens to Say No to Assisting Police Officers

Epoch Times-

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, on Sept. 3, signed a bill that no longer requires any able-bodied person over the age of 18 to help an officer who requests assistance during an arrest.

The California Posse Comitatus Act of 1872 was used in the days before there was a centralized police force. Sen. Bob Hertzberg, a Los Angeles Democrat who sponsored the bill, called the old law a “vestige of a bygone era.” Hertzberg press secretary Katie Hanzlik said that Sen. Hertzberg told his staff to “take a look into bills that were still on the books that were antiquated or no longer needed.

This one fit the description, and it also happens to be that the senator has a history of supporting or passing laws that minimize unnecessary fines and charges against Californians.

SB192 reads, “The law makes an able-bodied person 18 years of age or older who neglects or refuses to join the posse comitatus or power of the county, by neglecting or refusing to aid and assist, as described, in making an arrest, retaking into custody a person who has escaped from arrest or imprisonment, or preventing a breach of the peace or the commission of any criminal offense, after being lawfully required by a uniformed peace officer or a judge, guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to punishment by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000.”

“This bill would repeal that provision and make conforming changes.”

The origins of the law can be found in pre-civil war America and although obligatory in nature, the law fostered a sense of citizenship and service to the community.

According to, “In antebellum America, as in pre-industrial England, it was commonplace to witness civilians accompanying sheriffs and justices, scouring the countryside in search of scoundrels, scalawags, and other law-breakers. read more

12 Comments on California Governor Signs a Bill That Allows Citizens to Say No to Assisting Police Officers

  1. …although obligatory in nature, the law fostered a sense of citizenship and service to the community.

    Wishful statist thinking propaganda. It does nothing of the kind except for those who disrespect Constitutional limitations on the powers of govt.

    *I* get to decide whether to assist a govt agent, not the govt agent. I would definitely help subdue and arrest a violent criminal. I would definitely NOT help if the targeted person had done nothing wrong by my own standards.

  2. Meaningless bill. No one in this day and age is going to be prosecuted for failing to help an arresting officer, and 99% of the time LEOs prefer it that way. This is pure political showmanship.

  3. understand what they are doing, not what they want you to think they are doing … this part of Posse Comitatus is rarely, if ever enforced. the only reason they are bringing this up now it to dis-obligate anyone from assisting ICE

    … more harvested ‘voters’ for D’rats = more power for D’rats … plain & simple

  4. Wow, WTF, so the flip side if this is your allowed to help LE in danger. When was there a directive mandating that you had to rescue LEO? This was this assholes shot across the bow of LE.Really? It’s going viral in this state. Can’t vouch for SoCal, but in NorCal we watch after our own. And they know it.

  5. You’d have to be a gutless blackguard to not heed the call. Not that they ever call.

    But I have seen the SOS in maritime situations. And I have seen Pilots scurry away. THAT offends me. I don’t give a tinker’s cuss what you are doing — you heed that call. I don’t give a fuck if it’s a flare, code, or a handheld sign.

  6. What did you expect?!@#?! this guy got the taxpayers to pay $2.5 million to 3 his pimp/subordinates for the child care of their wives kids HE fathered! CUCKHOLD Democrats! But also cuckhold liberal GOP “leaders”!

  7. @persona non grata – When was there a directive mandating that you had to rescue LEO?

    Since pre-civil war days. It was part of the fugitive slave act, required all citizens to identify and subdue all suspected runaway slaves and return them to the south.

    Maybe @ Anonynous Erik would have been fine with that, since he would “heed the call” no matter what, but I for one say fuck ’em. Until they return to serving the people instead of the state, I hope they all get a bullet in the brain housing group.

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