California Has Highest Poverty Rate, with Housing Costs – IOTW Report

California Has Highest Poverty Rate, with Housing Costs


Democrat-run, migrant-packed California leads the nation in poverty, according to a Census Bureau report which considers Americans’ housing costs alongside their income from wages and salaries.

The September 10 study shows 18.2 percent of California’s population is poor, far above the 13 percent poverty rate in Arkansas, 16 percent in Mississippi, and the 14.6 percent in West Virginia.

High housing costs also helped push New York’s poverty rate up to 14.1 percent, and New Jersey’s rate up to 14 percent, according to Table A5 on page 28 of the report, which is titled The Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2018.

The traditional wages-only measure of poverty shows 4.9 million Californians are poor, according to the measure.

But the cash-plus-housing Supplemental Poverty Measure shows 7.1 million California live below the poverty line. That means 18.2 percent — almost one-in-five — of the state’s 40 million residents are considered poor. more

6 Comments on California Has Highest Poverty Rate, with Housing Costs

  1. “Democrat-run, migrant-packed California ”

    Part of it I guess. But if you travel up hiway 5 or 99 North of Sacramento you will find plenty of 50, 60, and yes 70 year old homeless couples. Displaced middle class. Victims of the Socialism that our appointed leaders have imposed on us. It’s heart breaking.

  2. High housing costs have put California at the top of the list as poorest state in the U.S., and what do their legislature and governor do? Slam into place state-wide rent control!

    I can’t decide whether CA govt is stupid first and then evil, or the other way around: evil first and then stupid.

  3. How can they be poor? $14.25 an hour minimum wage in all of L.A. County.
    Well, assuming you can get a job.
    Actually, right now it is fairly easy to find a job, but when the next recession hits CA is going to get slammed. And in the meantime I expect tax increases.

  4. 1978’s Prop 13 set the cities and counties against housing. They can’t count on the taxes to expand the water treatment plant over time, etc… So they decided to take it all up front! Hence… Most cities in Northern California now charge something like $120,000 in permits and planning fee’s to build a single residence. This has a huge market distortion effect. A tear down with a valid occupancy permit is worth the cost of the land plus those permits… That’s why to you see $250,000 tar shacks in crime infested neighborhoods… Waiting for an earthquake to get an insurance remodel…


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