California Has The Richest Homeless in the World – IOTW Report

California Has The Richest Homeless in the World

$2,600 tents, $100,000 shacks, and $300,000 toilets.


Last year, Davon Brown, a former fashion model turned homeless activist, conned his way into an LA Ritz-Carlton luxury suite alongside Jed Parriot, the son of a producer on Grey’s Anatomy.

It was May Day, Brown was wearing a blazer and sunglasses. The former fashion model and son of a wealthy producer were there to ‘occupy’ a luxury suite for the homeless. And demand that the city take over hotel rooms and hand them out to the population of junkie vagrants.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti held a press conference and assured Brown that he would get him a room. When the son of the Grey’s Anatomy producer was asked how to spell his name, he sneered, ““Parriott, like Marriott—which has 900 empty rooms.”

Jed, a Democratic Socialists of America activist, appears to live in a $1.3 million home in Silver Lake owned by a trust controlled by his parents: a prolific TV producer and a TV actress.

The trust also appears to own at least one other home, with 4 bedrooms, in the city. more

8 Comments on California Has The Richest Homeless in the World

  1. makes me spitting mad when I hear the bleeding pile liberals wailing about the poor homeless. They are drug addicts/bums/moochers/and criminals and are infesting every city. The solution is a mob of civic minded citizens armed with ax handles, torches, rails and buckets of tar.

  2. All these homeless fucks should just relocate to either LA. There’s lots of sun & surf and free stuff to be had!

    Let the white leftist liberal “ANYWHERE BUT NOT IN MY BACKYARD” democrats have what they’ve created.

  3. There would hardly be a homeless person on the street if America only followed what was clearly outlined since 1787, and steered free from the temptation of power and wealth.

    It’s “Live free or Die, not “Get Rich and Powerful”.

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