California: Homeless Encampment in Van Nuys Has Become Dangerous – IOTW Report

California: Homeless Encampment in Van Nuys Has Become Dangerous


Business owners in Van Nuys are complaining to city officials, asking them to clean up a large homeless encampment and trash pile that they say has become dangerous.

“We have to make sure our employees are safe because they keep throwing stuff over the shoulder, so we just don’t know what to do at this point,” one business owner in the area told KFI’s Andrew Mollenbeck, adding that she has to keep her doors locked all day and her employees have to avoid parts of their own lot. “It’s not even describable, it’s crazy. Flies, fleas, urine all kinds of stuff you can imagine.”

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15 Comments on California: Homeless Encampment in Van Nuys Has Become Dangerous

  1. Do I understand this correctly? The business owners — the worker bees who (cough) pay the taxes that PAY the city’s employees are ASKING? Why aren’t they TELLING? Now there’s a novel idea.

    Why does every publicly elected ass always include this in their election/reelection campaign: “It’s such an honor and privilege to SERVE this community.”

  2. ElLYSIUM.

    Every time is hear or see photos of CA, I go back to the Matt Damon movie depicting exactly where the left is shoving America. Supposedly a leftist picture, but it clearly shows the the elitist against the deplorables goals; complete with the robot police, the horrid government healthcare for the deplorables vs the elitist healthcare for the ‘citizens’, the ultimate gated, community, Elysium, in space and the horrid living and crowded living situations on future earth.

    I still can’t believe Damon made that movie unless he’s a closet conservative. But I keep hearing that it is supposed to be an anti-conservative pro socialism movie.

  3. “…the ultimate gated, community, Elysium, in space and the horrid living and crowded living situations on future earth.”

    Which was conceptually ripped off from Blade Runner, if not even earlier works like Metropolis and many others. Pass the physical (or buy your way out), you get to move to the Off World colonies where “a new life awaits you…the chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.” Or you stay on the decaying earth with the rest of the mongrelized human refuse and occasional mass-murdering replicant.

    Real world examples: Milkdud Head does not live in the neighborhoods perpetually infested by rats (four legged and otherwise) despite his arranging to get millions of dollars to fix them. Pelosi will never find hobo excrement in her driveway. Et cetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

  4. California is one socialist brainstorm away from creating concentration camps for the homeless. Public housing worked at keeping blacks concentrated for decades.

  5. If Californians didn’t want this they wouldn’t have deliberately done those things that led to it.

    And they’re still doing them, so I don’t think they want to fix it either.

  6. The general consensus is that Californians did this to themselves. Let them come up with a solution on their own or sit there and stew in it, but don’t ask me to pay for it! Cut them off all federal funding! If they want to defy the fundamental laws of civilization and the United States fine, do it on their own time and money! Cut them off of federal funding! If they want to legalize every worthless parasite on the planet that crawls in and squats in California, fine, let them pay for it. Cut them off of federal funding! If they want to change and subvert US election laws, cut them off federal funding! As a hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding US Citizen I demand that my tax money NOT be spent on their irresponsible, reckless chaos. Cut them off of the big, federal tit otherwise we’re just rewarding bad behavior!

  7. The homeless (in one area) start at least 7 to 10 fires daily. They burn out surrounding homes, they burn out their own tents, etc. The mayor is a moron. He didn’t want to take care of this at the beginning.

  8. It is wishful thinking to expect political powers to resolve homeless issues that they have actually caused through their own legislative and lobby deals done to destroy the American worker. If the homeless were actually rounded up into organized programs to help them, that action could be labeled “police state action.” So do the needy get help, or not. Will Rex84 internment camps be used for their housing and survival, or should walled off ghettos be established in urban areas. The filth and crime could be monitored and eliminated if the homeless were placed under restrictive stewardship. Would this be illegally restricting the freedom of the homeless Americans? “To do, or not to do?”, that is the question. Should the rich keep getting richer off the money meant to be used to benefit the homeless?

    The Homeless Industrial Complex
    Every major city in California is spending tens of millions or more on programs for the homeless
    By Edward Ring, May 28, 2019 2:15 am
    “The problem of the homeless could be completely solved in a few months if there were the political and judicial will to get it done. The national guard could be deployed, working with city and county law enforcement. The homeless could be sorted into groups; criminals, substance abusers, mentally ill, undocumented aliens, and all the rest. For each of these groups, separate facilities could be built on vacant or underutilized government land in or near urban centers but away from downtowns and residential areas. They could consist of tents, porta-potties, and mobile modules providing food and medical services.

    There’s plenty of money available to do this. Just in Los Angeles, in 2016 voters approved Measure HHH, allocating $1.2 billion in bonds to build 10,000 units to house the homeless. Since then, Los Angeles voters approved a quarter cent sales tax increase, also to help the homeless. Additional hundreds of millions are coming from the state to help the homeless.

    Every major city in California is spending tens of millions or more on programs for the homeless. But most of the money is being wasted. Why? Because there is a Homeless Industrial Complex that is getting filthy rich, wasting the money, while the homeless population swells.”


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