California: Illegal alien ‘ Didn’t Know He Was Going To Work At Air Force Base’ – IOTW Report

California: Illegal alien ‘ Didn’t Know He Was Going To Work At Air Force Base’

Oh, you didn’t know that as an illegal you were working illegally on a military base, which is also federal property? Well, by all means, you’re free to go!


FAIRFIELD (CBS13) — Only on CBS13, we’re hearing from one of the two undocumented workers detained at Travis Air Force Base by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

“I am a good guy,” Hugo Mejia said. Mejia is being held at the Rio Cosumnes Corrections Center in Elk Grove, facing deportation back to Mexico.

He asked to speak for most of the interview in Spanish.

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16 Comments on California: Illegal alien ‘ Didn’t Know He Was Going To Work At Air Force Base’

  1. He says his home country doesn’t give him the opportunity for a better future…if the fukin’ liberals get their way it’ll be the same on THIS side of the border! So maybe it’s time for a revolution down yonder in meheeko!

  2. “illegal” is illegal! If it doesn’t matter if you are a citizen in this country, then we don’t HAVE a country!1 I am for deporting all illegals to Patagonia!

  3. Doc, exactly. Our immigration policy use to consider the leverage of people that want to come here versus the odds they’d overthrow their own corrupt government. And when I think of corrupt governments Mexico automatically pops into my mind.

  4. This is a feel good story for a bull shit reason.

    The federal contractor that hired him, and applied for
    their base access should be farking strung up and kicked off
    base, and lose all federal access. That shit is tightly controlled
    now. I’m the poor fuck from my company here that has to certify
    all of that shat paperwork for submission to the access control
    authority so that they can get badged. Lies and deception.

  5. reboot,

    You got that wrong pal. This is California and it’s illegal to ask. That employers just doing his best to survive. The illegal had a legit Cali drivers license. That’s about as far as a Cali employer can go.

  6. And let’s not forget to give Bill Clinton the finger for his unconstitutional Motor Voter Law
    which has added at least, 600,000 illegal voters to the 1.5 Million we already had in Calif.
    And to Jerry Brown for telling everyone they are welcome in Calif. legal or otherwise.

  7. Back in the late 90’s, the Sub Base in Groton gutted and re-built several of its barracks buildings. About halfway through the job it was realized the contractor that had won the bid was bussing illegals onto the base early Monday morning each week, they would work all day, then sleep in the gutted building all night for five days, before the contractor would bus them all back home Friday afternoon. BIG scandal when it was realized that dozens of illegals were not only being brought on the base but that they were being left unsupervised overnight and could have gone anywhere within the fence. Heads rolled after that, and that contractor was jailed. Of course, that all happened pre-9/11.

  8. Hey, Poncho! Yes, Jose! What are all those big silver thingy’s up there in the sky? Big birds I think! Kind of look like big burritos! Si, those silly Gringos must be celebrating Cinco De Mayo! Si!

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