California Introduces Reparations Bills [With No Cash] – IOTW Report

California Introduces Reparations Bills [With No Cash]

Legislators in California have introduced a first-in-the-nation package of reparations bills that aims to redress the legacy of racism in America. There is only one small catch: the reparations being offered do not include any actual cash payments.

25 Comments on California Introduces Reparations Bills [With No Cash]

  1. You gotta take it easy on Newsom. He’s having a bad week. Yesterday the 9th found his ammo back ground check law so unconstitutional that they immediately struck the law. Boom, gone.
    And then yesterday he witnesses a person shop lifting and asked a store employee why no one stopped the person and the clerk, not realizing who they were addressing basically blamed California’s dumb ass Governor.

  2. T-ShirtsHoodies 4 sale…

    ║ --- BUT ALL I GOT --- ║
    ║ -- WAS A TAX BILL. -- ║

  3. “such as separate schools for black children”

    I would encourage such a move, the white students in all the other school districts would be a whole lot safer, and their collective test scores might improve.

    And it doesn’t matter that (for now) cash payments are not an option. “Reparations” can take the form of many other freebies; tax credits, free college, special dispensations on government loans, all these are “giveaways” that will require white taxpayers to pay an even higher percentage of their hard-earned money to appease the quilt of white liberals.

  4. I know anon at 6:12pm, (damn I wish you guys would pick a name, it ain’t hard) I bought a riding mule back in Alabama about 10 years ago and she cost damn near $2500 bucks, but she could Rack better than those Tennessee Walkers(Racking) and a hell of a lot smarter. and my 9 acres cost me over $56,000 bucks.

  5. Trial Run:

    We will give you a check for X$
    In return
    YOU can only deposit it in OUR Bank(s)
    Every dollar (credit) you charge will be credited to your debits. 50% will cover your expenditure, the other 50% will cover OURS(s). YOU AGREE IN ADVANCE to cover the other 50% remaining on the DEBIT Ledger and will receive a electronic statement intermittently detailing the size of your account. It will be multiple digits and maybe even bigger. WE are in this together and WE will bend over backwards to satisfy all of your biggest banking dreams. As an added bonus, if you have an existing account in other institutions, we will automatically cover those costs as well.

    Welcome to YOUR Bankers of Amerikans Frequent Monthly Fee Plan Card Account Holder Club

  6. “which entered the Union as a “free” state in 1850”

    You know what California’s first order of business was? Start a genocide by making cash payments to the 49ers who rounded up Indians to have killed.

    Of the tragic wrongs of California, blacks ain’t it.


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