California Is a Cruel Medieval State – IOTW Report

California Is a Cruel Medieval State

Victor Davis Hansen| American Greatness: One way of understanding California is simply to invert traditional morality. What for centuries would be considered selfish, callous, and greedy is now recalibrated as caring, empathetic, and generous. The current ethos of evaluating someone by his or her superficial appearance—gender or race—has returned to the premodern values of 19th-century California when race and gender calibrated careers. We don’t pay medieval priests for indulgences of our past and ongoing sin, but we do tweet out displays of our goodness as the penance price of acting amoral.

A paradox ensues that Californians both have a high, indeed smug, view of themselves and yet do a lot of damage to their fellow human beings. Their haughtiness is based largely on the reality that Silicon Valley, sandwiched between Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley, became the birthplace of the global computer, internet, social media, and a high-tech revolution. For progressives who deprecate the capitalist lifestyle, having a lot of money still allows one to say one thing and live out the opposite. read more

7 Comments on California Is a Cruel Medieval State

  1. The secret to living in California is to realize that wealthy progressives hate you. Sure, they’ll use the middle class and the poor, but they don’t like you. They support mass transit only because they believe this will open up the freeways for them. The lack of “affordable housing” is designed to keep the riff raff out of the neighborhood. They will put up with enough middle and lower class folk to do the work they don’t want to do, but make sure you are gone by sundown. And if the illegal immigrants didn’t reliably vote Democrat, California progressives would build a wall surrounded by a moat with alligators and have armed guards in turrets every 50 feet.

    Progressives don’t really believe their own bullshit – although they are convinced you do. They know they are hypocrites, but don’t care what you think because they don’t really like you and when you cease to be useful, you can be dispensed with. So if you have a chance to take advantage of a California progressive, or kick him or her when they’re down, be sure to do that because they sure as hell will do that to you.

  2. @ Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk MARCH 14, 2020 AT 12:31 AM

    Damn right.

    I call them out and when I do they go nucking futz. They are not used to someone telling them not only that they are fulll of shit, they are in fact a piece of shit and that their progressive world view is a wicked and evil political philosophy that has a documented history of what to expect from its implementation. Give the sons a bitches an inch and they will take a mile. Never concede good intentions to them, bite in the clinches and kick them when they are down. Then when you are done with that and they are demoralized and vulnerable kick their dog around a bit more just to get the point across that you are not to be trifled with.

    And as for what VDH has to say on the topic above is something I have been saying for years.

  3. The king and his rich supporters live inside the walled castle, and the unprotected rabble builds up shanties around the walls and have to be authorized to enter to sell their goods every morning, or gain protection during an attack. Today is no different.

    Biden, “Do you need 100 rounds?” –indeed, do you NEED all those bodyguards, and do they NEED all those weapons? And does each weapon NEED more than 1 round?

    *Additionally, ALL AROUND THE WORLD, the leftist governments let in muslims and 3rd worlders to rape and abuse their citizens in exchange for votes, support, and social services. Swedish lefties are no different than California lefties.

  4. Close BUT NOT RIGHT!

    “Silicon Valley, sandwiched between Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley, became the birthplace of the global computer, internet, social media, and a high-tech revolution.

    First and foremost the code that allows the “net” was DARP funded at Cal and UCLA almost 65 years ago. If you have som knowledge of how you get what i type you know it is by TCP/IP. Not a product of Silly Valley. Cal is close but UCLA is 400 miles SE!

    Second and for non net users maybe more important. Windows and other op sys that allow many screens/tabs are a result of Xerox PARC. Done in the hills NW of Silly Valley about 15 miles. Very pretty, green hills. Not the dry, brown of the valley.

    I never was a coder/analyst but I managed them. Needed to have some knowledge so I did not get “Bushed” by subordinates!

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