California Is Moving 700 Death Row Inmates Into Rehab And Work Programs – IOTW Report

California Is Moving 700 Death Row Inmates Into Rehab And Work Programs


Gavin Newsom is at it again. He’s been Governor of California for less than a year and his policies continuously make this state worse.

More than 700 death row inmates at San Quentin prison will soon be able to transfer. Yes, you read that right. DEATH ROW inmates are being transferred to rehab and work programs. more

20 Comments on California Is Moving 700 Death Row Inmates Into Rehab And Work Programs

  1. I keep thinking it can’t get any loonier but it does. How bad does it have to get before people say enough is enough? Why are our elected officials all turning out to be demons?

  2. Rehabilitation is just a prelude to letting them go and roam among us again.

    Otherwise, why need to rehab them? Seems pointless to me if they intend to keep them both alive and in prison till they die.

    FWIW, even in California you don’t get the death sentence for anything other than something really vicious and heinous. Not exactly the kind of people we want to be near us.

  3. I also saw a story were CA is going to drop 65,000-85,000 drug cases. So those folks won’t have the felony conviction they deserve and can still vote. I would not feel safe living in many parts of CA.

  4. Scott Peterson has got an early jump and is posting on the lonely hearts sites looking for a new wife.
    The thoughtful governor requested a moment of silence for Richard Ramirez who didn’t live long enough to enjoy his new lease on life.

  5. If you live in California you better carry a gun. If a Mex Cartel member doesn’t get you an early released felon will. And face no punishment for it apparently. Good luck buying ammo though. The Northern Cali county I live in is a “Shall Issue” county. They use to do a pretty good job keeping the wait times down for CCW’s. My renewal just took three months. New apps are taking over a year.

  6. Can the governor of California over rule the courts without legal process,
    Or the consent of the governed?
    He has already done so.
    Maybe he should be Emperor of California.

  7. You cannot be on death row in California
    unless you have been convicted of
    deliberate pre-meditated murder.

    And Pig Newsom finds redeeming qualities

    When does he intend to pardon them ?

  8. CA has 700+!! people on death row? Whatinthehell??? Are they going to keep sentencing people to death and then let them sit it out forfuckingever??

    CA is one fucked up state.

  9. Um um wait.
    I thought that a person on death row is someone whom the state considers unsalvageable and unable to coexist with society, which is why they’re put to death.



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