California is on Pace to Sell an Impressive Number of Guns in 2016 – IOTW Report

California is on Pace to Sell an Impressive Number of Guns in 2016

BA: California, widely referred to as Commiefornia for the anti-gun laws in the Golden State, is definitely rocking gun sales this year. Data shows they’re on pace to sell over a million guns in 2016.


Through late July, gun sales rose to 554,203 firearms sales after the Orlando and Dallas shootings.

Nine of 2016’s ten busiest days for gun sales have come after a gunman opened fire in an Orlando nightclub on June 12, killing 49 people. The third and fourth biggest days for gun sales came the following week on July 7 and 8, just days after the shooting in Dallas that killed five police officers.



24 Comments on California is on Pace to Sell an Impressive Number of Guns in 2016

  1. I see a lot of “boating accidents” in California’s future.

    (Yes, I know that’s now a tired and annoying cliche, but think of it as a metaphorical way to say that a lot of Californians have no intention of complying with the new intolerable laws.)

  2. I usually buy one to two guns a year. But I’ve been buying 5+ a year
    since Obama took office. I also have huge amounts of ammo. I also
    have five areas where I have buried guns and ammo in special vaults.
    Why??? I just think it’s a good idea.

  3. You are all just going to turn in your guns..stop wasting money…Hillary will pack the court with people who will find gun sellers and manufacturers liable for EVERY death Caused by guns. Ammo will be difficult to find and thanks to Obamacare proving that the Government can make you pay for Not getting insurance, they will fine you, make you insure the guns, tax your guns and notify your employer for non compliance. Registration to buy a gun will take years and require massive paperwork and the potential buyer will still be turned down. You will beg the Feds to take your gun so that you can get on with life.

  4. Nobody is gonna turn-in anything. And I’m going to be the first.


    I think it might have been smart for trump not to release a photo showing him shooting an M4. The left would have equated him to every depraved mass killer on the planet.

    Remember, facts don’t matter.

    Exactly and on top of that it’s been done to death. To have an instructor come out and say he handled the weapon well probably has more impact than the picture. At least he wasn’t frying bacon on the barrel. I see that one more time I don’t know what I’ll do.

  6. I think Helen Hunt was one of the sexiest women in 1997….so yeah, I will defend that memory….don’t EVEN get me started on 1969 Raquel Welch….some things just need to be saved, valued and defended…

  7. TSUNAMI, My first impulse is/was -so glad he didn’t release the photos. DH in agreement. Can you just imagine what the left would do with it.

    BFH, how about a photoshop with helliar shooting an AK or a Mosin.

  8. @dpurv, the problem, as I see it, for the gun grabbers is that there are tens of millions or more guns out there that were acquired in the years BC. (Before Colonoscopy by the govt) There is no record of ownership. You could walk into Sears, lay down some dough and walk out with a shotgun or a hunting rifle, no questions asked. There is no record of person-to-person trade or sale so there are many more millions unaccounted for. That old thing? Sold to some guy at the gun club years ago. Don’t recall who. Ammo? Sorry shot it all. A million rounds at the You-Lock-It, You-Pocket-The-Key place that only you and the bubbas know about. They just can’t get them all. It will take decades of draconian measures to try to ferret them all out while the peeps just lay down and take it? Many LEO orgs are saying they won’t get involved in a confiscation. Who’s going to do it? Mr Bookman and his shiny new 9mm going to sally forth from the Dept of Ed to do it? I’m thinking not. They’re scared of us, should be and will be for a long time to come.

    Anybody in the brain trust here have any idea of how many paperless guns are out there?

  9. @PJ – My EDC is a Sig P938. Great pocket or ankle gun, very reliable, accurate as hell, no problem carrying one in the pipe, hammer back, safety on. Try to get one that comes with two mags because they cost $45 each from Sig. Only thing I don’t like is the ejector – be careful not to push it too far when putting the slide back on. Make the salesman show you how to do it right.

  10. Thanks Phuzzy Logick. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. My 26 is just too big to carry, I don’t want to have to rack the slide in a “situation.” I like the idea of having “one in the pipe” – with that safety. (The safety want is because of my age and poor stability when walking.) These are the biggest reasons it appeals to me. I’d like the scorpion.

  11. @Bad_Brad, small is exactly what I need. I repair computers in various government offices that preclude carry while I’m inside – courthouses, airport restricted zones, casino security areas, etc. It’s too much hassle to unholster/reholster IWB my XD .45 inside the truck. The gun you can’t carry isn’t any help when you really need it, and HSTs or HydraShoks do an acceptable job.

    I use a nice fitted leather holster from and 7-round mags so my entire hand can grip the gun. It only starts being uncomfortable after 75 or so shots at the range. 😉

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