California Is Suing Pruitt For Cutting Companies Loose From Strangling Emissions Regs – IOTW Report

California Is Suing Pruitt For Cutting Companies Loose From Strangling Emissions Regs

Daily Caller: California filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency Tuesday for reversing a 1995 memo establishing the “once in, always in” policy for “major” sources of emissions.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued his own memo undoing the more-than-two-decades-old policy on January 25. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and the California Air Resources Board filed a lawsuit against the “unconscionable” and “illegal” action, according to a statement Tuesday.

“Instead of prioritizing the health of hardworking Americans, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt wants to let major polluters off the hook,” Becerra said in the statement. “The EPA must be held accountable.”

The EPA classifies sources of emissions such as manufacturing and energy plants as either “major” or “area” sources of pollution. A source is considered major if it emits more than 10 tons of a Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) annually, or if it emits 25 tons of any combination of HAPs in a year.

If classified as a major emitter, the plant or factory is subject to Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) standards, which grow more stringent over time because MACT standards are based off the most technically advanced and lowest-emitting sources in the U.S., according to Harvard University’s Environmental Policy Initiative.

The 1995 “once in, always in” policy of the EPA meant once a source was classified from an area source to a major source and subject to MACT standards, the MACT standards could never be lifted off the plant or factory.  more here

13 Comments on California Is Suing Pruitt For Cutting Companies Loose From Strangling Emissions Regs

  1. Sue them back for Cali. EPA not setting tighter standards than the federal EPA if that’s what they want.. Calif. is a sovereign state, they can set their own rules. Or do they want Moose Obama to be their mommy telling them what to do?

    Gov. JB has already shown a willingness to give fed gov the finger. Why not on this too ? He could get away with for a little while. Not every business can pack up and leave. He can make some suffer, till the state splits in two or three. North Calif, Central Calif., South Calif. Or whatever works for those feed up with looney policies & cultures.

  2. Of course California is going to sue. That is what they always do and the Ninth Circus always finds in their favor until the verdict is overturned by SCOTUS.

  3. The State who is leading the way in ignoring Federal Laws and Regulations is upset that Federal Regulations are being ignored? That’s rich.

    They and their beloved Obama started the precedence of picking and choosing which Federal Laws and Regulations would be enforced and which would be ignored and now they are screaming mad that Federal Laws and Regulations are being ignored. Have they no shame? Well, as they are Proglodytes “shame” is just one of many emotions they are too devolved to feel. But I digress.

    Just another step to anarchy and the possible destruction of the Republic. This, of course, was by Obama’s design all along but, again, I digress.

  4. “for reversing a 1995 memo establishing”

    imagine that. regulations created by writing of a memo ?
    congress surely has abdicated it’s responsibilities to a bureaucracy.
    what are we paying them for if some one can write a memo to rule us with ?

    “The EPA must be held accountable.”

    I take that to mean the past administrators will be held accountable for creating regulations by “writing a memo” and persecuting joe q taxpayer with it.

  5. “Unconscionable”? Maybe. “Illegal”? An Attorney General should at least pretend to know that you can not break a law the legislature refused to pass. Regulation is not legislation.

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