California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You – IOTW Report

California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You


California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

If it were not for the climate, something the liberals in charge of my state have nothing to do with as much as they think they do, it would likely be a nearly empty desert once again. But the sun shines, the beach beckons and the palm trees sway over a population of morons who keep electing proggy fascists to run the place. Which they are doing, right into the ground.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

And hate them Sacramento does, targeting Normals with petty and not so petty attacks, from bans on straws and gun grabs to the threat of lifting the Proposition 13 caps on property taxes that keep millions of retirees from being tossed out of their homes when their annual bills go up 4000%. What would that mean? Well, when that modest ranch style you bought for $100,000 in 1985 gets reassessed to its current $1,000,000 value (something Prop 13 prevents), and the 1% Prop 13 tax rate goes to 3% or 4%, your tax bill goes from $1,000 a year to $30,000-$40,000. Remember that retirement you worked for? Well, now it will all go to subsidize the deadbeat government workers and welfare cheats that the California Democrats really represent.

No, that’s crazy talk! That would never happen!

Yeah? Just watch.

15 Comments on California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

  1. Unless you’ve been there, you dont know how bad it really is. Street loons have taken over everywhere, some of them violent. The crazies and druggies swarming in are there to stay. It will never get better, but will get wven worse. Stay away.

  2. I was out there 41 years ago next month. After a weekend of being there I knew it wasn’t for me. Spent the next three and a half weeks living it up and taking in as many sights as I could as I knew I would likely never return. Made sure I had enough money left to cover air fare and survive a few months back in Michigan while I looked for employment. Getting the heck out of there is one of the most intelligent life choices I ever made.

  3. I needed some home repairs done which at most should cost around $200. But because of commifornias ridiculous regulations was going to cost $2500!
    Some contractors refused because of the paperwork involved.
    I have no pity when bad things happen to people in gov’t.

  4. …nice weather makes people do stupid things. Just look all the way around the Mediterranean coastline if you don’t believe me, ESPECIALLY the part on the East and the South…

  5. In 1982, when the doctor I worked for moved to Texas and the unemployment in MI was double digits, I couldn’t find work. After several months of trying, I decided to move. Went to the library (no internet then) and looked at the want ads in several cities in nearby states.

    I briefly thought about Western Washington (Mt. Rainier captured my heart first time I hiked it) and California. Quickly ruled them out because of distance from all my family in MI.

    Picked MN instead. I know what you are thinking … MINNESOTA??? Well,they weren’t so crazy then. But at least I did’t have to take out a loan to rent a U-Haul to move out!

  6. Different Tim, that is so true! Here in Barry County, you can’t throw a stone without hitting some body of water! Visits to any of the most beautiful inland lakes here (and each one has it’s own personality) is a given instead of a “treat” like anywhere else.

    Being a rock hound, I love gathering stones from the shores of Superior, Michigan and Huron. Haven’t tried the others, but I would assume they have great stones, too.

  7. Claudia, if you’re into Petoskey stone I would suggest the Canadian side. They’re just rocks over there. Our beaches are picked clean of them for some odd reason.🤔

  8. Leftists, many who moved here fom out of state, are trying to turn us into California here in Maine.
    Forced businesses to give paid leave. Even to part timers. Taxpayer funded abortions. Abortions for minors without parent permission or knowledge. But they banned minors from tanning beds. Morning after abortion pill in vending machines. But harsher punishment with jail time for hurting a dog. Hiked minimum wage. Forcing parents to put kids in school at age 4. Trying to pass red flag laws and trying to give away our votes. Making us a sanctuary state.
    We are #3 for retirees leaving the state and young people leaving.
    I keep picturing growong piles of trash.


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