California Judge Orders Police Bodycam Footage of Paul Pelosi Attack Incident to Be Released, Possibly Today – IOTW Report

California Judge Orders Police Bodycam Footage of Paul Pelosi Attack Incident to Be Released, Possibly Today

CTH: This could be interesting…. According to multiple media sources [LINK] a California judge has ordered the police bodycam footage of the incident at Paul and Nancy Pelosi’s home to be released to the public.

The order to the clerk of the court was made immediately on Wednesday and the released footage could come as soon as today.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Footage of the attack on former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband will be released to the public after a judge on Wednesday denied prosecutors’ request to keep it secret. MORE HERE

18 Comments on California Judge Orders Police Bodycam Footage of Paul Pelosi Attack Incident to Be Released, Possibly Today

  1. I know this in morally wrong and I don’t wish it on any human, But He & Nancy have been inhumane to decent people for years.

    Now, The results of their Policies are coming home to roost.


    Hammer On!

  2. “Oh, sorry judge. But there was something wrong with the recordings. They were set to automatically erase after a certain period of time and that is what happened. If we had know that, we would have changed the setting. We will be more careful next time.”

  3. Kcir, don’t know why you think it is wrong to release the footage. The very reason cops wear body cams is transparency. Video does not lie, cops lie, defendants lie, hell, even witnesses lie, but the video does not.

    Body cam footage will be used as evidence against the Pelosi attacker in court, it was used to justify the charges filed against him.

    Personally, I want it released because if the footage does not justify the charges then I want to know why charges were filed and who put the screws to the DA to go this route. Were there political motivations involved? He is a public figure and the people have a right to expect that proper protocol was followed.

  4. Rich Taylor,

    Let me re-express my thoughts…

    I know that it is morally wrong for me to Watch the Video & Enjoy it with a nice glass of Woodford Reserve on the Rocks, but they deserve it after how they have enriched themselves as they increased the suffering and exploitation of honest people.

    Cheers sir!

  5. “Maybe they’ll include some stock trading tips in the video.” <– Now that made me laugh!

    But seriously, why wouldn't the Pelosi's stop this by taking it a higher court until they get a sympathetic judge?

  6. Brad,

    The fist shaped dong was up his ass.
    The hammer was “upside his head”.

    I truly can’t stand Pelosi more than any other Demo. I still Haven’t been able to listen to Garth Brooks since he KISSED HER ASS at the Gershwin Awards a few years back.

    Why can’t people see how corrupt & incidious she is?

  7. My interest in the video is directly proportional to the amount of effort they are trying to suppress it;

    Was Paul really wearing his fishnet stockings?
    Were there drugs in the house?
    Was any semen present anywhere?
    Was the attacker making proclamations about Paul not paying him for services rendered?
    Was the attacker’s cell phone looked at, the one revealing calls made that night by Pelosi to,”Get your sexy ass over here”?

  8. “Why can’t people see how corrupt & incidious she is?”

    All the left cares about is killing babies and LGBTQ issues. They can overlook anything as long as she in down with that.

  9. I think Zappa had Paul in mind –
    Eventually me and a friend
    Sorta of drifted along into S&M
    I can take about an hour on the tower of power
    As long as I gets a little golden shower
    Oh God I am the American dream
    With a hammer up my butt ’til it makes me scream
    An’ I’ll do anything to for a knave
    I lay awake nights sayin,’ “Thank you, Dave!”
    Oh God, Oh God, I’m so fantastic!
    Thanks to Davy, I’m a sexual spastic!

  10. Ooops

    Due to unexpectedly, inexplicable recent video events . . .

    The Stream you were waiting for has been replaced

    Other B R E A K I N G Events will be Shown Instead
    Friday Night Midnight Movies

    Stay Tuned

  11. It’s likely that Paul P. used his own hammer to hit his own head with his own hammer. Of course, Nancy P. may have had her own hammer and hit Paul on his head with her own hammer. Or, the intruder could have brought his own hammer and hit Paul over the head with his hammer. If he forgot to bring his own hammer, he would had to have asked Paul or Nancy to borrow one of theirs. Or, once he realized ha had no hammer, he could have gone to the nearest Ace Hardware to buy his own hammer. Also, we have to figure in motive: Did Paul just hate himself, did Nancy hate him, or did the intruder hate him, i.e.. hate him enough to hit him on the head with a hammer. Or, is it another motive altogether, like jealousy, dislike of Italians, political differences, or something else entirely. And then, we must consider the kind of hammer: a big carpenters hammer, or an eye-glass repairman’s hammer, a ball-peen hammer, etc. If we keep going we will end up with a huge matrix of possibilities, like a 100*100*100*100*100 matrix, I believe (any statistician out there correct me if I am wrong). There are millions of outcomes to a 100x100x100X100X100 matrix. Accordingly:
    Paul used his own hammer to hit his own head, or
    Paul used Nancy’s hammer to hit his own head, or
    The intruder used his recently purchased hammer to hit Paul on Paul’s head, or
    …..etc, etc, etc.

    We may never find out the truth of this tragic event that has roiled the fine city of San Francisco for months.


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