California: LA city council trying to protect street vendors from ICE – IOTW Report

California: LA city council trying to protect street vendors from ICE

KFI: In February, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to decriminalize street vending in an effort to reduce chances of illegal immigrants being deported for criminal convictions.


However, according to the Los Angeles Times, some loopholes in the law can put street vendors at risk of criminal charges. Activists say that while there was a lot of energy to decriminalize the vendors in February, that has faded, and there are still some areas that could put them at risk.  more

8 Comments on California: LA city council trying to protect street vendors from ICE

  1. “Activists say that while there was a lot of energy to decriminalize the vendors in February, that has faded, ”

    Do they even get health inspections? Maybe the activists all got dysentery and are stuck on the can. Hope they’re not crapping in the gutter, what with the Hepatitis thing. What a third, third, third, third world.

  2. Los Angeles is a Different Country all together, and it always seems to be making it’s own rules. One would think with L.A only an hour and a half from San Diego, that S.D would be L.A junior but it’s not.
    The street food is excellent, so if your on vacation or work don’t be shy !!!

  3. Assholes. Stupid assholes.

    Who’s gonna run a restaurant and pay property and sundry taxes and obey all their health OSHA regs, when a competitor can just do business on the sidewalk?

    That’s why City Councils need be taken to the woodshed on a regular basis.

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