California: LA County shutdown extended to July – IOTW Report

California: LA County shutdown extended to July

SacBee: Los Angeles County’s stay-at-home order will likely be extended through July, Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said during a Tuesday Board of Supervisors meeting, media outlets reported.

The county will be shut down “with all certainty” through July, Ferrer said, according to the Los Angeles Times. Ferrer said reopening will be slow due to the rising deaths and cases in the county.

Ferrer said the state could reopen only if there was “dramatic change to the virus and tools at hand,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “Our hope is that by using the data, we’d be able to slowly lift restrictions over the next three months,” she said. read more

17 Comments on California: LA County shutdown extended to July

  1. Where do all these deaths take place, nursIng homes and senior citizen care faciliities? Is this lady a doctor or a mortician? Deaths are not the only factor to consider, what about the living? Hope she gets her bottom sued off!

  2. What we tolerate, we get.
    If the peeps of CA cower in their homes on account of no-accounts tellin em to cower in their homes – then – there you are!

    The ONLY question is: Who’s in Charge?

    If the “public servants” are in Charge, then that’s it.
    If the people who put the “public servants” in their positions are in Charge, then that’s entirely different.

    Is you is; or is you ain’t? The maggots in “authority” (that we loaned them) can SUGGEST things for “our own good” but they cannot demand – unless we allow them to live … uhh … allow them to demand stuff …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They get by with this for one reason and one reason only.

    Our elected republicans, including the republican judges our side appoints…do exactly nothing to stand up for their constituents to stop this shit.

    the republican party is not going to save me, you or anybody on our side from jack shit.

    If trump did this, there would be shitloads of judges who would immediately issue a nationwide injunction and prevent it from happening.

    When is our side going to learn that this is war. And we can’t have pussies representing us.

  4. Why not just say until next November and if you vote right then we will let you go.

    I know people in LA County and they are starting to open businesses on the down low.

  5. Bet yer sweet arse that every blue state dictator will extend their unconstitutional and pseudoscience lockdowns as long as possible. In karenland n va/beltway i think there will be return to semi-normal in july at earliest (thats optimistic). You elect democrat dictators this is what you get. Republicans have chance for historic landslude this fall.

  6. And then to August and then to September and then to October and then to November and then to December and then to January and then to February and then to March and then to April and then to May and then to June and then to July and then to August – – MUST I GO ON? YES. And then to September and then to October and then to November and then to December and then to January and then to February and then to March and then to April and then to May…

  7. My town is in LA County. IT is conservative: Ronny never got less than 75% contrast to the lib GWB with 41% in ’00. We are, and have been out and about. Almost no Freetos BAnditos! In 15 min I will take my dog for a 4 mile wlk. Looking like I always have with my dogs’ just no longer running!

    I have a conservative friend in SE Long Beach. Same there. NO LOCKDOWN, NO FREETOS BANDITOS!

    Now I have kin in NoCal who rarely leave home, and when they go out it is Freetos Banditos. Why I have not lived in NoCal for decades!

  8. Is there a scientific or other evidence-based set of reasons to open up in July? What makes the goal posts move? Who profits from kicking the re-opening further down the calendar year? Are these decisions based on state law?


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