California law shows AG Becerra unfit to be on the ballot – IOTW Report

California law shows AG Becerra unfit to be on the ballot


Breitbart News reported that in a lawsuit brought by former Republican candidate for California Attorney General Eric Early, Sacramento Superior Court judge Richard K. Sueyoshi ruled that current Democrat and California attorney general Xavier Becerra can remain on the ballot for the November 2018 runoff with Republican candidate Steven Bailey.

According to Breitbart:

California General Election Code 12503 says, “No person shall be eligible to the office of Attorney General unless he shall have been admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the state for a period of at least five years immediately preceding his election or appointment to such office.”  As of the November 6, 2018 general election, Becerra will have only been reactivated as a practicing attorney for a period of one year, ten months and five days, according to Early.

Becerra, a sitting member of Congress since 1993, was an “inactive” member of the California Bar for 26 years when Gov.  Jerry Brown appointed him as California’s attorney general.  Becerra was appointed in January 2017 when then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris was elected to the U.S. Senate.

The judge’s decision appears to conflict with the law and the rules of the State Bar of California.   MORE

9 Comments on California law shows AG Becerra unfit to be on the ballot

  1. CA won’t follow Federal laws, hell, they don’t even follow their laws.
    One would think California is a lawless state.
    The bottom just dropped out of their housing market.
    Two reasons, people who can are leaving, the people who can’t don’t have the money to buy in the hugely inflated market.
    Michigan of the left coast.

  2. Tsunami- seconded

    “Police contacted Becerra’s office, notifying him that the server was the subject of an ongoing investigation, and promptly requested a copy of it. However, what Capital Police received from the now California Attorney General’s office was described as an, “elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations.””

    No way is he fit for any office, other than maybe to supervise sidewalk cleanup in pelosi’s sf toilet bowel. The law is the law, and there aren’t two tiers to its enforcement. Didn’t he also hire eric holder to pursue Trump? He is way deep in governmental corruption, especially regarding the awans and congressional servers. They’ll figure out a ‘work around,’ I’m sure. And I work around california as a result.

  3. Not fit for office?!?!?!? In the state that elected Gov Moonbeam multiple times?!?!?!?! The state that has infected Congress with the likes of Pelosi & Fienstein for decades?!?!?! In CA, if you are a liberal Dem with a face (apparently the uglier the better) then you are fit for office.


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