California Lawmakers Moving to Ban Tackle Football for Kids – IOTW Report

California Lawmakers Moving to Ban Tackle Football for Kids

Breitbart: Joining the trend seen in a handful of other states, California Democrats are preparing to outlaw tackle football for kids under 14.

State Democrats have introduced the “Safe Youth Football Act,” and if passed, the bill would make California the first state to ban tackle football for kids.

The bill, introduced by Assemblymembers Kevin McCarty (D- Sacramento) and Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D – San Diego), is sold as a way to “protect children from brain injury by establishing a minimum age to play in organized tackle football programs.”

“Numerous studies have shown that Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is caused by repetitive impacts to the head sustained over a period of time and cite sub-concussive impacts as an important factor leading to brain injury,” Assemblymember McCarty said. “Children who play contact sports during their most critical years of brain development are at a significantly greater risk for neurological impairments and CTE later in life.”  more here

17 Comments on California Lawmakers Moving to Ban Tackle Football for Kids

  1. Left Coast Dan

    Dude, I’m 60. Only flag football was allowed in Jr High back then. Including PAL leagues. I know, I played. I’m not sure what the point of this legislation is. Freshman in high school is when we started hitting. Which mirrors the legislation.

  2. “……a way to “protect children from brain injury by establishing a minimum age to play in organized tackle football programs.”

    OK, that may cover the ‘physically damaging’ aspects of public schools but how do we protect our children from the damaging indoctrination aspects being constantly forced upon those same students by the horrendous liberal lefties???

  3. Pop Warner is still tackle football, unless I missed something.
    They are very strict on safety, dangerous contact, but its still tackle.
    My boys played flag in junior high, tackle in high school, just south of Bad Brad’s turf.

  4. Just so you know, this guy, “Kevin McCarty”, is the Anti Christ. A piece of shit who cried like a little girl when Guns of America listed his home address. He sued. Turns out it was legal. This guy should move to communist China.

  5. My son played tackle from the age of 7 through college in OH and MO. He’s 45 now and except for the drooling and an occasional fit of eyeball spinning, he’s pretty normal.

  6. Two relatives suffering from traumatic brain damage.

    a college soccer player in the 1960’s – traumatic brain damage getting worse past 10 years, today he cannot remember what happened 2 minutes ago, forgets where the bathroom is.

    a junior high football player in the 70’s – brain trauma so serious he needed to be placed in an institution, eventually rehab, eventually group home. Violent outbursts, no impulse control, loss of language, 2 year old child brain in an adult. His life and his family were ruined because of jr. high football.

    What more do you need to know?

    Are pro-football players just stupid and violent or did a lifetime of football make them stupid and violent?

  7. I’ve suffered 9 concussions in my life. 6 from playing soccer as a goalkeeper (getting kicked in the head), 2 from fights and the last one was from getting hit from closing a trunk door to my wifes car. I’m now in my 50’s, mind still getting by, still worried what 10-20 years from now will bring. I suffer from migraines on a regular basis.

    The only good thing I can say now is my kids are old enough that they don’t need me to ride with them on roller coasters anymore. One ride would be enough to give me 3 days of post-concussion syndrome.

    So I can understand the need to keep young kids from getting head injuries at an early age, but that rule is not going to stop kids from playing tackle football at the sandlot or somebody’s backyard. Played an awful lot of sandlot games early on and of course we had no helmets or padding. Plenty of times somebody got kneed in the head or piled on into the ground. Are we next going to demand young kids have to wear helmets to play soccer? Aren’t we already banning playgrounds and recess in schools because somebody might get hurt?

    Just wondering when the Democrat politicans are going to worry about say, young kids being targetted for gang recruitment? Or having to sit in a classroom with illegal, non-immunized aliens who are spreading their diseases? You know instead of bullshit trying to sissify boys to the delight of the femnazis out there.

  8. there was no tackle football in my Jr. High (early ’60’s) either; flag only
    the reason was the cost of the equipment

    we still had Boy’s Club for tackle football, but you had be 12 years old; teams competed by age & weight

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