California Legislature OKs Health Insurance Mandate – IOTW Report

California Legislature OKs Health Insurance Mandate


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Legislature voted Monday to tax people who refuse to buy health insurance, bringing back a key part of former President Barack Obama’s health care law in the country’s most populous state after it was eliminated by Republicans in Congress.

The tax now heads to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who proposed a similar plan in January — an indication he will likely approve it.

The federal Affordable Care Act required everyone to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law, ruling the penalty was a tax.

In 2017, Republicans in Congress eliminated the penalty — beginning this year — as part of an overhaul of the federal tax code.

The bill passed by Democrats in California would reinstate the tax, effective Jan. 1. No Republicans voted for it. One Democrat in the state Assembly — Rudy Salas Jr. — voted against it.

The penalty won’t apply to everyone, including people living in the country illegally. Lawmakers on Monday also approved a bill that would expand government-funded health insurance to low-income young adults living in the U.S. illegally.

People in prison and those who are members of an American Indian tribe are also exempt, mirroring what had been in the federal law.

Democrats say the plan is part of their efforts to make sure everyone in California has health insurance.

If the bill becomes law, California would join Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont and Washington, D.C., next year as the only governments in the U.S. to penalize people who don’t buy health insurance. more here

15 Comments on California Legislature OKs Health Insurance Mandate

  1. I saw a Facebook post about a similar NY law, which suggested that Child Protective Services would also be notified if a parent refused vaccination for their children. An ugly thought, I have heard in the past that home-schoolers have been similarly targeted.

    Sorry, I am thinking about vaccination and not healthcare mandate. But anyway…

  2. in California, if you are an American Citizen and work for a living, the laws are applied to you good and hard. Everyone else gets a free pass. Why these people automatically vote democrat is beyond me.

  3. how twisted the world becomes when the narrative is subverted

    “tax. n. a governmental assessment (charge) upon property value, transactions (transfers and sales), licenses granting a right, and/or income.”
    “fine noun amercement, compulsory payment, forfeit, forfeiture, legal liability, liability, mulct, payment for misconduct, pecuniary penalty, pecuniary punishment, penalty, prescribed punishment”

    A tax is for something that is possessed, or used. A fine is imposed for not possessing or using. They are twisting this to take money from people who choose to not purchase healthcare, as a penalty, and then to give that money to people who do not have healthcare, and are possibly not even citizens. This is just a redistribution- taking from those who might be able to pay for something but choose not to, and giving that to others that, while they might be able to pay, do not have that same something. It is a first step on the path to communism.
    Theft is defined as taking without compensation.
    I would like to see john robert’s children’s adoption papers, please

  4. Just leave me alone. Go bother some stupid dems.and get your laws off of my life i dont answer to you,you answer to me or your suppose to anyway.🐷

  5. Left Coast Dan: For years I have heard about the vaccinations that the powers that be want teen age girls to get to keep from getting some kind of cancer. Yesterday I saw a commercial about a vaccine they now want teenage BOYS to get to keep from getting some kind of cancer.

    I am not really an anti-vaccine person (although I personally don’t get flu shots), but they seem to be working overtime to make me one. The idea that all teenage boys should get a shot to prevent a cancer I never heard of is astounding. At least I had heard of the cancer that girls get, but I was never keen on the idea of vaccinating all girls to try and prevent it.

  6. I thought the guvment could not force you to buy anything. Apparently, that does not apply to California. They are so busy wasting tax money, they need more.

  7. RadioMattM–the vaccination you are thinking of is the HPV (human papiloma virus). In girls the virus increases the likelihood of cervical cancer. To my knowledge, boys are relatively unaffected, but become carriers that can give it to girls through unprotected sex.

  8. If I were subject to this law, I would sue under the equal protection clause. I understand prisoners (they can’t have a job while incarcerated–as a ward of the state you expect the state to take care of you). But illegals? Why the hell are they exempt?

  9. @Racer X: “…boys are relatively unaffected…”

    There is an increasing incidence of pharyngeal/laryngeal cancer in men, thought to be related to oral sex. michael douglas comes to mind. Though not prevalent, there are simple ways to avoid exposure, and a mandatory vaccination seems excessive, if exposure doesn’t even exist.


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