California: Lt. Gov. makes hilarious mistake in letter demanding Trump be kept off 2024 ballot – IOTW Report

California: Lt. Gov. makes hilarious mistake in letter demanding Trump be kept off 2024 ballot


Someone get California Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis (D) an editor.

On Wednesday, Kounalakis sent a letter to California Secretary of State Shirley Weber (D) demanding she “explore every legal option to remove former President Donald Trump from California’s 2024 presidential primary ballot.”

Kounalakis said the Colorado Supreme Court, which ruled on Tuesday that Trump is constitutionally ineligible to run for president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, prompted her request. more

23 Comments on California: Lt. Gov. makes hilarious mistake in letter demanding Trump be kept off 2024 ballot

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Trump has not been convicted of anything – much less insurrection. Are Colorado and California proposing to mete out the punishment before a crime has been adjudicated?

    Give me a break – at least the communist nations had show trials first.

  2. So Brad in your favor will they do the right thing? I don’t believe so. Uncle Clarence “Tom” says he refuses to excluse himself ,unless his pet pig “Ginny” will fly, We can make dat happen, den what?

  3. “Uncle Clarence “Tom” says he refuses to excluse himself ,unless his pet pig “Ginny””

    You talk that way about the guys wife? You’re a low life piece of shit. Say that out in public to a conservative crowd. You may not live through it. And see here’s the problem, the left has become totally intolerant. And that’s fine, just be prepared for the ramifications. You’ve left your opponents no other choice.

  4. “excluse himself ”

    Hahaha! What a MaRoooon trying to sound edumacated!

    RECUSE is the word you wish you knew.

    You don’t even know what that word means, anyway. Typical leftist. Just vomiting out syllables hoping it means something relevant.

    Guaranteed you don’t even know what the word FASCIST means. That’s you, by the way, moron.

  5. The 14th is a Constitutional Abortion.
    The first 8 Presidents weren’t born in the United States of America (as it didn’t yet exist) and the first 5 were “insurrectionists” against Great Britain.

    Colorado and California are asshole.

    Of what has President Trump been convicted? The law has degenerated into a cudgel, a blunt instrument of oppression, fueled by Treason and funded by Soros.

    We should really, seriously, consider reclaiming our country.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “shuffle the deck” ???

    How about we…

    …put their lights out
    …bust their chops
    …take ’em to the cleaners
    …rearrange their faces
    …take ’em to the hospital to remove our feet from their asses
    …put ’em six feet under
    …make ’em jump in a lake
    …clean their chronometers

  7. Regarding the 14th Amendment: if you are going to cite to the 14th Amendment, you should probably consider the whole thing. Including Article 1: due process.

  8. Almost three years now and the MSM still has not produced one shred of evidence that President Trump tried to start an insurrection, no videos, no audios, nothing. So far it’s all been he-said-she-said.

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