California Man tries to break into home – gets shot and killed by dad protecting wife and daughter – IOTW Report

California Man tries to break into home – gets shot and killed by dad protecting wife and daughter


…Officers from the El Cerrito Police Department arrived at the home where the incident occurred at around 1:00 a.m. that Saturday, after a call came in from a woman saying that there was someone who had broken into her garage.

The woman who had initially contacted police was said to have retreated to one of the bedrooms inside the home along with her daughter, while her husband made his way to the garage while being armed. more

18 Comments on California Man tries to break into home – gets shot and killed by dad protecting wife and daughter

  1. Back in the seventies I working nights when my wife called and said 3 black men were trying to get into the house. I told my boss I was leaving and he said “Get going.” They were gone by the time I got there but turns out they were trying that stunt all over the neighborhood. Never found out if they got caught.

  2. I have asked this before, and I am sure I will ask it again: why is it stated as a fact that the home owner shot the guy, but it is only “alleged” that he was breaking into the house?

  3. RadioMattM: I’m guessing the homeowner made a statement that he shot the guy. Its the homeowner who’s saying the intruder broke in. I guess you could shoot the guy, drag him up on the porch and say he was trying to break in but how would you prove it??

  4. And the media will cry that he was some poor (insert victim status here)trying to turn his life around, when he broke into the house and threatened the lives of the people living there with an illegally obtained weapon.
    Personally, the dad just saved people a lot of money taking this scumbag out.

  5. Husband’s obviously a tard. So, no helping him. Can’t fix, what he doesn’t even see is broken.

    For future reference: His first words should have been “This is…” to a criminal defense attorney. After that conversation, his second conversation should have begun with “This is…” to a divorce attorney. No. Seriously. If “your” wife (and/or her daughter) think it’s more important to dime the Holy Mother State, than back you when you are literally literal fighting to keep them alive, you can’t fix, what xhe doesn’t even see is broken.

  6. Sadly, here in Nolackaloonies, MT, our (d) party – and far too long term – County Attorney probably would have charged the homeowner with Attempted Deliberate Homicide. And, sadly again, no one will run against him.

  7. If memory serves, parasitic families and their leech lawyers have sued, or tried to sue, newspapers and even individuals who did not use the word “alleged” when their beloved perp was shot in the commission of a crime. The argument was that the perp was not engage in crime but just happen to be on the scene and was wrongly shot. So the use of the word “alleged” is just to cover themselves, not indicating that they see innocence.

  8. Buy the dead some flowers. No hard feelings and all.
    BTW don’t drag the guy you shot anywhere, they will figure that out in 1 minute. It won’t help your case.


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