California: Massive Fentanyl Overdose Kills 1, Hospitalizes Dozen – IOTW Report

California: Massive Fentanyl Overdose Kills 1, Hospitalizes Dozen

Breitbart: A massive fentanyl overdose incident in California on Saturday left one person dead and sent a dozen others to the hospital, police said.

NBC News reported that the overdoses were caused after the individuals had been exposed to fentanyl, a deadly synthetic opioid.

One person connected to the people in the house where the fentanyl overdose occurred called 911 on Saturday morning. Officers who responded to the scene administered six doses of the opioid antidote naloxone in the hopes of reviving the victims.

The exposure was so powerful that two of the responding officers fell ill from fentanyl poisoning. Both received treatment at a hospital and were later released, police said.

Mike O’Brien, the captain of the Chico, California, police force, told reporters at a press conference that four of the hospitalized victims remain in critical condition.  read more

20 Comments on California: Massive Fentanyl Overdose Kills 1, Hospitalizes Dozen

  1. I’ll take: What is a good start for a thousand Alex

    I’m sick and tired of these Goddamned dope fiends and their thieving, their filth and everything else associated with them.

  2. ‘guns kill people’
    ‘if it saves just one life…’
    And then they give out free syringes and provide ‘safe spaces’ to ‘shoot up’

    (you apparently can’t type the word ‘syringe’ in a reply on Breitbart while using disqus. I wonder about that site.)

  3. It’s worth it. The founders would approve. If these things aren’t allowed to happen, you’re raping the Constitution and we are not free.

    You’re probably homophobes, too.

  4. I wonder how these drugs change a person’s DNA. By changing I mean mutilating. And then they pass it on to their offspring. In the meantime, the press is screaming about climate change, increased diabetes, cancer, mental disease, behavioral problems, lung and kidney failures, etc. And they never bother to study if it’s the fucking drugtards that are at fault.

    There’s fetal alcohol syndrome. They don’t think crack and meth would cause problems, too?

  5. Chico, CA, where this happened is a college town. Chico State has always been known as the party school until there was an alcohol death in one of the fraternities. Cops and the school clamped down hard on partying. Where this overdose took place, was not near the college, and these may or may not have been college students. The house is located in a fairly decent neighborhood. It’s a 2 bedroom home, so I’m thinking it wasn’t rented to college students. One person I heard of has prior arrests for drugs, firearms and resisting arrest.

  6. Regardless of your feelings on drug abusers, because of the DEA crackdown on legitimate prescriptions of pain medication for chronic sufferers, the current situation is forcing innocent people to the streets.

    When one pill can kill someone, you might not be talking about a junkie.

    As I’ve said before, I think this is a coordinated effort by the Chinese government to kill as many Americans as possible.

  7. @ Geuvara Cliche – , because of the DEA crackdown on legitimate prescriptions of pain medication for chronic sufferers, the current situation is forcing innocent people to the streets.

    So right. Here are some more details to that story. About 10 months ago by chance I watched a Vice video about the opiod epidemic here in the tri-state area just before attending a talk by local county deputy sheriff about the same subject. One factor is the drugs are far more addictive than the pharmaceutical companies admit. Maybe they knew they would be or maybe not. I believe they at minimum suspected they would be very addictive.

    I asked if most users just progressed to the more potent drugs following the use of softer drugs. Booze to pot to cocaine. Nope. He said most were people who were prescribed the drugs following a work place or auto accident injury, and became addicted. After they were cutoff from further legitimate prescriptions, and being addicted, they start buying them off the street. The doctors often cut their patients off fearing being charged by LE as being pill-mill doctors.

    Another astonishing point made in the vice video was that the addicts are attracted to buy drugs especially following news reports of someone dying or suffering serious OD turning up in local hospital ERs. Which seemed crazy to me. The deputy sheriff said that was quite true. For these reasons; buying off the street the potency is unknown, unlike prescribed drugs where the potency was known. The drugs may be cut a lot and to weak to give them the high they crave. Meaning they wasted their money.

    But if people turn up dead in the ER then they know the new drugs that just hit town are stronger and maybe worth their money. What the drug dealers do is on the first night or two when they first hit town they sell full strength drugs. Hoping some number will OD and it will be reported in the news, and those reports will bring the buyers quickly flooding in to buy. Only then do they cut the drugs so they can sell to more buyers, and more quickly. Then get out of town before being caught. Here most drug suppliers come in from Detroit.

  8. Too much money made to ever stop drugs.
    Growers,smugglers,dealers,the pay-offs,the
    lawyers,contract prisons…
    Never drink or eat anything from a stranger,
    it could your last.And the beat goes on…


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