California Moves Ahead With Plan to Dispense Free Abortion Drugs to College Students – IOTW Report

California Moves Ahead With Plan to Dispense Free Abortion Drugs to College Students

Legal Insurrection:
The pandemic is not standing in the way of the left’s pet projects.

The College Fix reports:

Despite lockdowns, California pushes forward on plan to dispense free abortion drugs to college students

Despite ongoing lockdowns in California, public universities are on pace to implement legislation that requires distribution of RU-486 abortion drugs. These abortions are commonly known as chemical abortions because they use drugs to end a pregnancy.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 24 in 2019. Similar legislation failed in 2018 after Democratic Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the legislation that requires all the public health centers in the University of California and California State University system to distribute the drugs. more

18 Comments on California Moves Ahead With Plan to Dispense Free Abortion Drugs to College Students

  1. Leftist dreams! No consequences for their actions! Just kill all the babies because they are not really babies in the womb. Coming soon to your elementary health education class.

  2. My late wife and I made the decision to never send our 3 kids to public schools. They went to parochial schools early on, then to a private Christian school and we also did some home schooling and they’re all normal well adjusted adults. And I’m sure we violated every rule in keeping them out of public schools but it was well worth it.

  3. There’s a chance of going sterile and actually dying from it.
    At school. Idiots.

    Oh, but if you need insulin and syringes, please bring a Rx, $500, and 14 forms of ID with you to your pharmacy. Thanks.

  4. Sad to see any life end, but under the current immoral circumstances, better that then having a bunch of single mother, improperly raised thugs running the streets and sucking off the taxpayers’ welfare.

  5. Kcir
    JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 8:21 PM
    “Less lefties.”

    …no, they just take yours. That’s what colleges are for. They take normal healthy American children from all over the nation and, after charging you like sin for the “privilege”, they indoctrinate, brainwash, and gaslight them into the perverts and antifa members they want them to be.

    This is why the homosexual lobby in particular pushes their agenda so hard, more or less by definition they don’t make new members, so they ALWAYS have to recruit.

    So the Left sees how well THAT works and uses it for ALL their useful idiot production needs.

    …so no, they do not need to have children.

    They will take all they require from you.

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