California: Muslim found with 2 IEDs in his car – IOTW Report

California: Muslim found with 2 IEDs in his car

Geller Report:

The Quran – inspiring Americans every day. Here is another major news story you won’t read about in the media and if you do, it’s merely Muslim mental health issues. The tables were officially turned in the wake of 9/11 — something of a macabre victory for Islam. It is those of us who speak against jihad and the horrors of Islamic apartheid, bigotry, hatred and supremacism who have been deemed the wrong, the extreme, the enemy. The triumph of sharia.

“Man Who Allegedly Had 2 IEDs in His Car in Brea Is Charged With 4 Felony Counts”

9 Comments on California: Muslim found with 2 IEDs in his car

  1. Hat tip to Cheech and Chong:
    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client had merely FOUND these IEDs, and was on his way to the police station at that very moment when he was mistakenly pulled over…

  2. Thanks for the appointed Judges who took an oath to honor the constitution and laws of our country. Instead they protect felony trespassers. I normally laugh at those that yell for ‘term limits’. Love to hear from them after their loved ones are killed by trash like this. I think after they would start to understand “Tar and Feather’. That used to work.

  3. Jihadist IEDs in Cali? Are we still calling it a problem if it’s in San Fran or Sacramento?

    Not from all the way over here in the Lone Star. Looks like house cleaning from here. Let God sort `em out.


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