California Must Provide Trans Prisoners With Compression Underwear – IOTW Report

California Must Provide Trans Prisoners With Compression Underwear


WFB: A U.S. district judge last week ordered California state prison officials to provide free chest-flattening underwear, also known as compression tops, to transgender inmates at women’s prisons and feminine accessories to transgender inmates at men’s prisons.

Requiring inmates to buy compression tops “effectively” denies those items to individuals who cannot afford them, according to U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar, who issued the order on Friday. Taxpayers, therefore, must foot the bill.  read more

11 Comments on California Must Provide Trans Prisoners With Compression Underwear

  1. When Trump finally gets around to building the border wall, he ought to have the construction crew take a right at the California-Arizona border, then a left when they get to the Washington-Canada border.

  2. what happened to the days–many years ago-that when you were sent to prison there was no television-radio and you went to dinner-lunch in a line. Then back to your cell. Maybe a visit or two and one hour free time outside…. prisoners have it better than the homeless and this is wrong…..

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