California: Needle Exchange Program is wreaking havoc on Orange County – IOTW Report

California: Needle Exchange Program is wreaking havoc on Orange County


The Orange County Needle Exchange program that takes place in front of Santa Ana City Hall every Saturday from 1 PM – 3 PM is causing major harm to the people of Orange County!

Needles are everywhere. They’re in the Santa Ana Riverbed, they’re turning up in the library, and they’re all over the parking lots and streets of Orange County.


12 Comments on California: Needle Exchange Program is wreaking havoc on Orange County

  1. The needle exchange was another “liberal solution” so drug addicts would not have to use any dirty needles and avoid the health programs of “used” needles. The program would also save money by reducing hospitalizations. The wind blew and many fecal objects became airborne.

  2. My adult nephew, God bless him, has diabetes. He’d love to get free needles and insulin, but tax dollars are spent giving free needles and drugs to addicts in California. Shaking my head…

  3. Ironic. Disneyland is in Orange County:Orange county IS the druggie theme parks, where their dreams come true.

    How’s that hepatitis epidemic of San Diego going? Spreading?

    Hollywood’s tanking, the elitist left of CA are shoving working, taxable citizens out, and encouraging mass non-taxable ILLEGAL alien influx, and spending like a dying felon. CA is going, going, circling the leftist drain.

    I’d love to see a cap on the dectibility of state taxes just to hit the states of CA and NY. A cap of whatever amount that would “make it fair” (to use leftist terminology.) or equable with other states. Maybe an average of states state taxes?

  4. “Needle Exchange” my ass. It’s a needle give away, and then the junkies just throw the goddamn things anywhere when they’re done shooting up. Everything being done to “fight” our “opioid epidemic” is actually working to spread it. Even the euphemism “opioid” is used to mask the real problem, which is heroin. One of the biggest sources of heroin is Afghanistan. To get it to the US, you need to have access to Afghanistan, international transportation routes, and US ports of entry. Who do you think can arrange that, and make a handy profit off it? Hint: It rhymes with “peep slate”.

  5. How about making the needle exchange facility mobile?
    You want your drugs? You go out into this area and you bring me 20 needles from the gutters and such, and forty pounds of street trash, and you’ll get your fix. Here’s your trash bags.
    Then move it next week and clean up another neighborhood.

  6. Lived in Orange County 78-81. It was like a police state then with all the leftist rules and regs, stop and frisk shake downs etc. This is just another aspect of the insanity progressing along. The infestation of illegals was bad then, I shutter to think what it must be like now.

  7. @The Mule- you’re 100% correct!

    Does anyone really think the government wants to stop the flow of drugs?

    The spread of opioid use is just another way the swamp uses to lobotomize people in order to maintain and spread their power.

    There is big money in drugs. Ask, how congress talks drug control, then sits on their hands, as usual, as they keep protecting the industry and ‘somehow’ inflate their own coffers.

    There is a reason congress is so ineffective. It is planned as a sideshow for the public, as they empty to coffers out behind the show.

  8. The only thing the left is good at is completely missing the potential consequences of their actions – in fact, it seems to be the only thing in which they excel.
    Goes right along with blaming the “unforeseen” consequences on those who first pointed them out…..

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