California: Orange County Supervisor Says Residents Concerned About Increase in Sober Living Homes – IOTW Report

California: Orange County Supervisor Says Residents Concerned About Increase in Sober Living Homes

Epoch Times: An Orange County supervisor in California says an increase in sober living homes in the county has sparked concern among many county residents, who say they’ve seen an uptick in recovering addicts in their communities, along with increases in property crime and vagrancy.

Supervisor Don Wagner spoke with The Epoch Times about his efforts to bring to light some issues that can arise from these recovery homes in Orange County.

“The problem is you’ve got these sober living homes sprouting up, and in many ways, they are unregulated. The problem is, they’re also unregulatable,” he said.

Wagner explained that the Americans with Disabilities Act limits the county from taking action to mitigate potential problems. State law, he argues, also prevents measures from being taken on a county or city level. more

11 Comments on California: Orange County Supervisor Says Residents Concerned About Increase in Sober Living Homes

  1. You can bet the dirtbags are being seeded into the nicer areas to screw up the home values even more. They want the lone republican stronghold permanently eradicated. Next they’ll install toilet paper holders on the sidewalks citing the same logic as the needle program.

  2. Sounds like some people have tapped into a state government grant / zoning scam. I’d be checking to see if these places had a second front door installed.

    Orange County…They harvest votes there, don’t they?

  3. This has been going on since the 90’s. The treatment centers in the deserts send people to the beach after their initial detox and sign them up for stays of 90 days to 6 moths. Newport Beach has been the hub of recovery since the 80’s and people in AA who speak go on tour and have a cult like following.
    There is big money to be had and everyone and their brother started opening up homes in the early 90’s to make some cash.

  4. “The problem is you’ve got these sober living homes sprouting up, and in many ways, they are unregulated. The problem is, they’re also unregulatable,”

    Completely controlling other people is the goal of progressives. Doesn’t matter if they are doing better than the progressive that wants to control them.

    Last time I pointed this out to my most-lefty friend he walked away. He really couldn’t argue against it.

    We should just sing that Sunshine song from long ago when they try this crap.. “He can’t even run his own life, I’ll be damned if he’ll run MIIINE!”

  5. LA spent over 600 MILLION dollars last year on the problem.

    Whose pocket did that money go into??

    Exactly like obama’s trillion dollar ‘stimulus’ bills, that enriched his pals, and helped no one.


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