California: Orange County Supervisors ‘Pause’ Vaccine Passport Plan as Hundreds Protest Outside Meeting – IOTW Report

California: Orange County Supervisors ‘Pause’ Vaccine Passport Plan as Hundreds Protest Outside Meeting

California Globe-

Orange County has been in the news recently, as Dr. Clayton Chau, director of the Orange County Health Care Agency and acting county health officer recently proposed a pilot program for “vaccine passports” in the county – a “show-me-your-papers” or “digital passport” program to provide COVID vaccination evidence, the Globe reported.

Orange County residents were so outraged, hundreds protested outside the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, and more than 700 signed up to speak in opposition to the proposed vaccine passport. more

16 Comments on California: Orange County Supervisors ‘Pause’ Vaccine Passport Plan as Hundreds Protest Outside Meeting

  1. ” …. this just proves when we rise up they back down.”

    Are they really backing down, or just changing their strategy to approach the same goal in a different way that will be easier to institute without an uprising?

    Never trust or underestimate an enemy, they win when you do.

  2. And Orange County is supposedly a red (well, reddish) county. Dolts.

    I attended church this morning, several hundred people and maybe 2% wearing masks. Went across the street for coffee and they had a sign saying that based upon the federal ‘guidance’ of May 14 and county guidelines they no longer required masks for customers, although ‘requested’ unvaccinated ones to wear them but would not ask. And vaccinated employees were unmasked as well. That’s in Boulder County, CO, pretty darn blue.

  3. When I’m out and frolicking about with my Petey B and someone asks to me to provide proof of vaccination, instead of presenting them with my vaccine card I’m going to be presenting them with a tweak and a twerk of my unbleached elastic starfish!

  4. In California, it is not against the law to knowingly and purposefully infect someone with HIV. But by gosh, by golly, you gonna have to carry around a vaccine passport, proving that you are “inoculated” against a virus that has a 99 point whatever survival rate. HONK HONK.


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