California: Palm Springs Approves Program to Give Trans & Non-Binary Residents Guaranteed Income – IOTW Report

California: Palm Springs Approves Program to Give Trans & Non-Binary Residents Guaranteed Income

PJ Media: Have you noticed it’s becoming harder to differentiate satire from reality? When I first saw the headline about a city in California approving a program to provide transgender and nonbinary residents a guaranteed income, I was sure it had to be from the Babylon Bee.

Oh, but it’s not. It’s also not an April Fool’s joke. It is very much accurate. Earlier this week, the Palm Springs City Council voted unanimously to fund a pilot program that would guarantee a basic income for transgender and nonbinary residents.

So far, $200,000 has been allocated for this program, which is far less than the $900,000 the two organizations originally wanted but still just as insane. read more

16 Comments on California: Palm Springs Approves Program to Give Trans & Non-Binary Residents Guaranteed Income

  1. Do it! Then run for reelection. I’m sure all the trans/nonbinaries will vote for you, will anyone else?

  2. I wish these stories/policies would get the same media attention when they crash and burn instead of when they launch. “Obamacare” is 12 years old and costs have tripled to date. How many stories about that have you read?


  3. Oh hell yes, governmental guaranteed income from those struggling to earn an income to those that prefer to be coddled.

    It’s nothing more than the leftist ASSWIPES adding fuel to the fire.

  4. Eduardo, Pool Boy in Palm Springs, appearing in front of the Palm Springs City Council to determine his eligibility to collect tranny welfare:

    Eduardo: Sirs, I believe before God that I am a woman inside of a man since birth and would like to apply for transexual status.

    City Council Chairman Mr. Felix Doogoody: Well, thank you very much ma’am for your application. I see nothing wrong with it and you can be sure we’ll authorize it by noon tomorrow.

    Member of the Audience Mr. Bill Badd: Wait a minute Mr. Chairman, I have employed Eduardo for 10 years, I know him well and I have some questions for him.

    City Council Chairman Mr. Felix Doogoody: Make it short Mr. Badd. You may know about Eduardo, but we on the council know all about you and your beliefs.

    Bill Badd: Eduardo, how many children do you provide support for?

    Eduardo: None, sir.

    Bill Badd: Let me rephrase that…how many children have you fathered?

    Eduardo: Sir, I never learned to count, I don’t know.

    Bill Badd: I have the records here from 5 counties in Southern California. They say you are the father of 14 children, each with a different woman. Do you deny that?

    Eduardo: Looks down at the floor and mumbles something.

    City Council Chairman Mr. Felix DooGoody: Please answer clearly Eduardo. Remember, we are here to help you.

    Eduardo: Maybe that many, I don’t know.

    Bill Badd: So you have had sexual relations at least 14 times with women and since you are named as the father, I suspect you played the role of a normal male and impregnated 14 females with your semen. How then can you claim to be a woman and not a man?

    City Council Chairman Mr. Felix DooGoody: Mr. Badd, you are badgering Eduardo. We’ll have none of your ignorant racist and sexist lies in these proceedings. Sheriff, remove Mr. Badd from the council room.

  5. Do you have to actually LIVE in Palm Springs, or can you just IDENTIFY as being a transgender living in Palm Springs?

    Just send my check here.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Hmm. What if I claim to be man who transitioned into a woman that wants to be a man and I’m finally there?

    Run it up the flag pole and see who salutes. I bet it would work.


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