California passes same-day voter registration, rigging elections even bluer – IOTW Report

California passes same-day voter registration, rigging elections even bluer

American Thinker: As if ballot-harvesting by illegal aliens were not enough, California has come up with a new way to rig elections to ensure one-party permanent Democratic Party rule.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

SACRAMENTO — Californians will be able to register to vote on election day at local polling places and voting centers under legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday, a potentially significant step toward boosting turnout in key contests next year.

The new law provides for a significant expansion of so-called conditional voter registration, which allows a new voter to cast a ballot that is counted after eligibility is determined during the 30-day vote-counting period after an election. That process began in last year’s statewide election, but registration was available only in county elections offices. Starting next year, voters can register on election day anywhere ballots are cast.

“This simply enfranchises more people to vote,” said state Sen. Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana), the author of the new law. “The presidential race is one thing, but this is going to make an even bigger difference in turnout for local races.”

California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom, who’s been curiously silent on his Facebook page about the gargantuan blackouts slamming the Bay Area, proudly has this news right there at the top of his page as his signature achievement.

Suffice to say, this is a recipe for disaster.  As voting tallies roll out in real time on election day, Democratic operatives, illegally here or not, will be right onto the matter, with lists of unregistered potential voters, going to their homes and signing them up to make the tally go their way.  The political muscle used is going to be amazing.

With California already not checking who’s legally allowed to vote, and often, through the Department of Motor Vehicles’ automatic voter registration system, you can bet that a lot of those newly registered voters are not going to be here legally.  The sanctuary state, after all, does not check.

Now that they’ve got a register-or-else system of political muscling for registrations in elections going the Republican way, you can bet they will muscle illegals to register — with a warning that they’ll be reported to authorities as illegal if they don’t.  read more

14 Comments on California passes same-day voter registration, rigging elections even bluer

  1. Motor voter not enough huh? What’s next, numbered ballots? Pretty soon the Democrats in Ca will be wining elections with the same percentage as Saddam Hussein, Castor or Stalin.

  2. It’s time to build the wall on California’s east boarder.

    If we are going to stop a potential Civil War we will need to find a peaceful separation of left and right in America. It just isn’t going to work otherwise as long as coastal states are allowed to corrupt the process any longer. I suggest we allow California and New York to secede from the union and be their own nations, losing all rights to vote in all future USA national elections. They can be the Alter-American version of the EU. Then they can run their show with their money and not ours. No more federal dollars going in. Let the market determine what they are worth. If California charges more for fresh produce then we charge them more for fuel, manufacturing, beef, steel, you get the idea. A Fair market relationship can exist. BTW, they can pay for their own military too. Same with New York.

    BTW, we wont accept any illegals from either state. They stay there.

  3. I’m surprised California doesn’t follow up with their “Psychic Voting Network” idea, where they have special people who telepathically determine your vote and cast it for you.

  4. Sorry, Mickey. The bridge between legal voting, vote manufacturing and vote harvesting was crossed early
    In this milennia.

    Now there is no pretense of fairness.

    The party will receive the desired outcome or there will be punishment. The party issues its decrees through approved news organizations.

  5. Warning of the planned Chinese Communist invasion of California which is now controlled by a Communist government. California is now a domestic enemy stronghold acting to overthrow the US government.

    The time has come for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and put down the lawless, left-wing insurrection against America
    Friday, October 11, 2019 by: Mike Adams
    “Leftists are now quite literally trying to turn America into a communist authoritarian regime. And Democrats are pushing hard to “impeach” President Trump with fabricated impeachment claims that are nothing but wholesale deep state CIA hoaxes.

    The time is rapidly approaching to stand up and stop the lunacy. President Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act. Watch my videos to learn more:
    [Videos ]


    In ’89 Bush sent a Cuban Commie ?Rep? to Cal to assonate all conservatives in the to 4 levels of the Cal GOP! The only conservative he merely wounded was Pete Wilson! The rest all died! And the 06 and below got the msg! The name of this Commie was Sunnunnu! And he was, and still is, a great leftist hit man!

    the Cal GOP has been far left for the last 30 years! So voters must choose between a far left GOP or a “center left” Dem!


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