California Recall Campaign Submits Whopping 2.1 Million Signatures To Recall Gavin Newsom – IOTW Report

California Recall Campaign Submits Whopping 2.1 Million Signatures To Recall Gavin Newsom

Trending Politics-

For months, a group opposed to Gov. Gavin Newsom has been working to obtain enough signatures to force a recall later this year, and it appears as though that’s going to happen.

Supporters of the recall said that they submitted more than 2.1 million signatures by the Wednesday deadline, a figure that far and away will exceed the number necessary to get the initiative on the fall ballot — even if some turn out not to be valid. read more

11 Comments on California Recall Campaign Submits Whopping 2.1 Million Signatures To Recall Gavin Newsom

  1. & that’s what they’re gonna hold this up on …

    “… — even if some turn out not to be valid.”

    they’re gonna claim so many signatures are invalid that it’s gonna make our heads spin. they’re gonna try & spin this as some sort of ‘voter fraud’

    it’s gonna chock us on the irony … & the SlimePress™️ will be astonished at the ‘fraud’

  2. the Democrat machine is already working to save Newsom. If it is unable to throw out enough of the signatures to stop the recall, then the “machine” will come up with enough votes via ballot harvesting and illegal voting to save the governor.

  3. No Newscum it is your leadership that is under attack. You change the rules, measurements, charts, and any data you like. Curfew, purchasing masks at $1,00 each from China,, closing, opening, closing. Partial openings, no bars, beach closed, beach open but no parking at the beach, must keep moving if at the beach…….you are the reason. I’m not a racist, proud boy, right winger….I’m a resident that wants you out of office. Bonus, you’ll never run for president !!!

  4. The Teutons elected their king.

    At the first failure, or sign of weakness, they killed him and elected another (no concept of “well-deserved,” and expensive, retirement).

    California would do well to imitate them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. How many people originally voted for Newsom and how many voted against him? Was it a significant or marginal number for his victory?

    The 2.1 million that signed the recall can be counted on to vote for someone else this time, but what about that majority of people that elected him? Can enough of them be counted on to defect and vote against him this time (assuming this time happens) to put him out of office?


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