California Recall Now Has Entertainment Component with New Recall Song – IOTW Report

California Recall Now Has Entertainment Component with New Recall Song

California Globe: No respectable recall election of a California Governor would be complete without an entertainment component, or in this case, a song.

The Globe spoke with guitar playing comedian Evan Wecksell, who has written a catchy new song about California’s upcoming recall election. It’s real, it’s relevant, it’s accurate and hits on all recall issues, and nowhere in the song is the Governor’s name mentioned. But we all know who Wecksell is singing about. WATCH

5 Comments on California Recall Now Has Entertainment Component with New Recall Song

  1. I got my “Official Voter Information Guide” in the mail last week. About 50 candidates on the ballot. Some of them bought space in the guide. One, Angelyne who puts her qualifications as “Billboard Queen”, I remember her billboards ubiquitous all over LA back in the 80’s. Another, a Green Party candidate, lists his qualifications as, “Can you dig it?”

    I was hoping Rick Grenell would be on the ballot. He initially showed interest but I guess he determined it would be a fool’s errand, he’s probably right.

    An article last week in the WSJ had Newsom’s war chest at over $85 million, most of that Soros money no doubt. He is not going to let his stooge politician fall.

    The MSM has been running polls showing the recall interests gaining steam, I don’t believe it. These polls are published to motivate the Dems in the state to vote, urging them not to abandon their guy. I put the success of a recall no higher than 40%. But I’n doing my part, telling all my local GOP friends, about half a dozen, to back Larry Elder. We shall see.

  2. Good Luck to all of you in California. My bet is the fix is already in.
    Post armed guards on those ballot boxes.
    Maybe EVERYBODY can redirect their security cameras on the boxes.
    Be sure they will lie, cheat, and steal.
    Check the names against Head Stones in the cemetery.


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