California residents tackle, detain suspected arsonist: ‘Wrong neighborhood, buddy’ – IOTW Report

California residents tackle, detain suspected arsonist: ‘Wrong neighborhood, buddy’


Video shows a group of concerned citizens in California chase down, tackle, and detain a man suspected of committing arson, according to multiple reports.

Around 4:32 p.m. on Monday, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office received reports that a man set a fire in a neighborhood outside of Los Angeles.

Several people were seen on video chasing down the arson suspect in the neighborhood of Chatsworth — roughly 30 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. more

13 Comments on California residents tackle, detain suspected arsonist: ‘Wrong neighborhood, buddy’

  1. Block Party!
    Step one: catch ’em.
    Step two: deal with ’em.
    Step three: pitchforks, since the guest of honor brought the torch.

    Not the real world, I know. Pretty good group restraint though.

  2. First, should have not called the po-po.
    Second, should have tied him up and roasted him on a spit over the fire he started.
    Justice served. With BBQ sauce, a side of fava beans and a nice chianti.

  3. “This is the 27th suspect charged in cases related to the wildfires in Southern California.”

    Charged? Or were many of them detained and released. And were the ones that were arrested all charged with arson? Or were they charged with “vagrancy”, or “loitering” or some other misdemeanor, to avoid having the A-word appear in reports.

    And were all 27 of these firebugs all arrested in the recent fires? Or is this number the sum of arrests made in connection with the “wildfires” over the last twenty years.

    So many questions. Dig deeper, journos.

    And my inner Columbo has just one more question:

    Is it possible that some of these professional, serial arsonists know that if they set fires under power lines, the power company will automatically get the blame?

  4. L.A. county now has a hell on wheels D.A. The problem they now face is the new Sheriff is as bad as the old D.A. He was hand picked by the L.A. city counsel. If the firebug is charged, he will be prosecuted.


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