California “Sanctuary State” bill a Trojan horse in waiting – IOTW Report

California “Sanctuary State” bill a Trojan horse in waiting

CPR: If the Republican Party of California were to have a secret wish list, they would be in favor of the Assembly passing the Senate Bill 54 “Sanctuary State” legislation that has already gained approval by a party-line 27-12 tally in the Senate.

Given the nature of the legislation where state law enforcement would refuse to co-operate with federal agencies to locate and deport undocumented residents who run afoul with the law, why would the GOP desire passage and have Governor Brown sign the bill that they have bitterly opposed?

The answer is simple. When SB-54 backfires with federal funds being taken away from California law enforcement along with what is sure to be a higher crime rate, voters are bound to take out their frustrations out at the ballot box. The Republican Party of California despite having less than one third of the seats in the Legislature and no statewide office holders may well find itself in a place to gain power once again that has long eluded them.

With California’s tight budget impaired by pension shortfalls for State workers and public assistance given to undocumented residents, losing funds from Washington, D.C., might not prove to be universally popular. Law enforcement and victims of crime are especially effected by the collateral damage SB-54 brings. This is especially true in suburban areas where the sanctuary city movement is weakest.  more here

7 Comments on California “Sanctuary State” bill a Trojan horse in waiting

  1. I’m confident President Trump will prompt massive self-deportations back to Mexico and points South.
    And also that we will see real enforcement of election laws against ballot fraud and positive photo ID laws.

    These two changes, very soon, will allow California to rejoin the United States.

  2. “These two changes, very soon, will allow California to rejoin the United States.”

    Love ya Rufus, but not hardly. Don’t blame the politician, blame the constituent. At last estimate 9.3 million illegal voters in SoCal. Who the hell knows whats going on in Sodom and Gomorrah. These deviants do not reflect the California I know.

  3. There could be tens of thousands of illegals running through the streets with the severed heads of their victims & it wouldn’t make a bit of difference to most cali voters. The state isn’t crazy because the legislators are crazy. The legislators are crazy because the voters are crazy.

  4. In June 2012, California started using the Top Two Candidate Open Primary system for statewide offices.

    All candidates for a given state or congressional office will be listed on a single Primary Election ballot.

    Voters can vote for the candidate of their choice for these offices.

    The top two candidates,(regardless of party affiliation) as determined by the voters, will advance to the General Election in November.

    This process has removed Republicans from general elections. Eventually the state will consist of only democrat politicians, the republicans being voted out of the top two winners in every primary.

    Also, I would be pleased if Trump could end, with an EO, federal tax deduction for state taxes. That would force states and taxpayers to get realistic.

  5. Lots of people go missing here, most of them are illegal but who care? Nobody, that’s who. Let em in, we’ll deal with them. We always do. Happiness is a warm gun, bang bang shoot shoot!

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