California: Santa Barbara Degrades, Homeless Invade, Biz Owners Get No Help From Elected Officials – IOTW Report

California: Santa Barbara Degrades, Homeless Invade, Biz Owners Get No Help From Elected Officials

California Globe:

Throughout Governor Gavin Newsom’s 19-month COVID lockdowns of “non-essential” businesses, a 40-year business owner in Santa Barbara has kept in touch with the California Globe. He has shared the untold hardships he and his employees suffered, as well as the economic and emotional pains of being allowed to partially re-open, then shut down again, open again but with mandatory masks and social distancing, only to be shut down again, and finally reopened once more. And we’re back to masks…

Most recently, he has shared photos and stories of the bold, drug-addicted, mentally ill homeless population, allowed to live on the beautiful streets of Santa Barbara, using planter boxes and doorways as their toilets, blocking entrances to businesses, spanning sidewalks… only the streets aren’t as beautiful as they once were.

This is his most recent story, which he has allowed the Globe to publish. He also sent this to Santa Barbara City Council and County Supervisors. He is known to the Globe but asked that his name not be used in the article out of concerns of retribution: more here

7 Comments on California: Santa Barbara Degrades, Homeless Invade, Biz Owners Get No Help From Elected Officials

  1. No one seems to care about California. Not that long ago, it had the 4th largest economy in the world. Now, it’s overrun with illegal aliens, homeless, druggies, perverts, drought, wildfires and Communists.

  2. It’s not just California. It is happening in every blue state. It’s long past time for some vigilante justice. A small group with hoodies and masks and baseball bats could solve this problem in a weekend.


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