California Says It Has Too Much Green Energy – IOTW Report

California Says It Has Too Much Green Energy

DC: California has frozen development on any more renewable energy sources as it wrestles with what to do with all the extra electricity it’s currently producing, Quartz reported.

Solar energy production has risen from less than one percent of California’s energy mix in 2010 to around 10 percent in 2017. On certain days when conditions are favorable, solar has supplied as much as half the energy used by Californians, according to Quartz.

The California Public Utilities Commission has proposed the state hold off on any further investment into renewable energy as individuals and businesses throughout the state continue to buy their own private sources of energy, such as solar panels secured to the tops of buildings. As more individuals invest in private energy, demand on the state’s grid lessens, Greentech Media reported.

California also has trouble predicting how much renewable energy will be needed at a certain time and controlling the power supplied. On several occasions, California paid Arizona utilities and others to take excess solar energy to avoid overloading its own grid, according to the Los Angeles Times.  MORE

12 Comments on California Says It Has Too Much Green Energy

  1. Typical BS from California.
    One sentence says 10% is all they can use.
    Then next sentence says solar alone produces 50% of need.
    Fact is only 10% of users can use green energy, too unreliable.
    Green energy, all show and no go.

  2. 70% of the population lives on the coast of California, where it doesn’t rain much and you never need AC. With solar panels on the roof, they don’t use much electricity. The rest of California, where incomes are way lower, need AC. They pay higher electricity rates because the coastal area doesn’t contribute much to the cost.

    You have the pointy headed liberals dictating and shifting the costs to the poorer sections of the state.

  3. California is still nursing a hangover from trying to deregulate electricity, without actually giving customers choices. This resulted from Enron gaming the poorly thought out system, leading to rolling blackouts some 18 years ago… As part of cleaning up that mess they implemented a 5-tier electric rate for residential electricity, where the top rates were ~45 & 55 cents per KwH. Most of the rich folks near the coast could get by without too much trouble, and it soaked the inland “wannabe red state” people that needed to run air conditioners. Perfect design by prog standards! So people adapted to this system, and started planing their budgets around it. Then Solar got cheaper… People with Solar roofs didn’t get clobbered by tier 4 & 5 rates for running their pool filters and A/C. Having a solar roof became a form of self-defense from the regulatory tyranny, and the installation was subsidized by the Obama administration.

    So now Solar electricity account for as much as 10% of all electricity generated in California. But it only gets generated when the sun it up, and peak production is between 10 am, and ~3pm, depending on a variety of factors. So in order to make that 10% figure for the full 24 hour day, peak production at noon is now pushing 50%… They shouldn’t complain really. This is what they engineered the system to do. The fact that they can’t keep the grid stable, and PG&E & SoCal Edison are completely unable to make long term plans & forecasts for capital investments is intensional.

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