California Secretary of State Proposes Regulations Restricting Access to Voter Registration Data – IOTW Report

California Secretary of State Proposes Regulations Restricting Access to Voter Registration Data

Californians better raise a stink about this, now.

California Globe: On the heels of a very contentious Presidential Election, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla has proposed regulations to restrict access to voter registration data. This is a very contentious maneuver which will only further prevent members of the public from being able to validate legitimate California voters – which is obviously the motive for the change.

The Election Integrity Project California announced this proposal Wednesday, asking Californians to weigh in, and then shared their own analysis of Padilla’s proposal, which would only further constrain the use of such important data.

The timing of Padilla’s proposal is interesting given that EIPCa just filed a federal lawsuit against Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State, Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General, Gavin Newsom, Governor of The State Of California, and 13 county Registrar of Voters, for having violated the Elections Clause, the Equal Protection Clause, the Due Process Clause and the Guarantee Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

EIPCa says these are the worst provisions in Padilla’s proposal that restrict access to voter data and hinder its use: more

18 Comments on California Secretary of State Proposes Regulations Restricting Access to Voter Registration Data

  1. He’s doing this to guarantee transparency in elections, in the same way using Dominion systems guarantees fair ballot counting. Democrats are always about fair elections…as long as their candidates win.

  2. It sounds like there’s a little CYA activity going on. It’s OK if he breaks the law, we’re just not allowed to catch him. Governor Newsom that will probably approve that.

  3. I don’t know about censorship, but I have Mozilla as my browser and I can tell you that their home page posts articles that are 99% liberal in source and bias. The remaining 1% are paid ads.

    I am to the point of changing browsers. I won’t use Microsoft, so what is my alternative?

  4. “Californians better raise a stink about this, now.”
    Really? And then what? It’s a one-party state. The dems will get whatever they want. Go ahead and raise a stink. it won’t change a thing.


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