California Sheriff Refuses ‘Absurd’ Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic – IOTW Report

California Sheriff Refuses ‘Absurd’ Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

PJMedia: You’ve got to hand it to the ACLU. Their legendary defense of traitors, terrorists, and others who would try and destroy the United States is consistent and predictable.

Last April, the ACLU sued Orange County to release inmates who might be “medically vulnerable” to getting sick from the coronavirus. What those inmates did to be in jail didn’t matter. Can’t have a child rapist get sick and die from COVID. That would be heartless.

A judge apparently didn’t care either. He ordered the release of all medically vulnerable prisoners no matter what their crimes. He ruled that Don Barnes, the sheriff of Orange County, showed “deliberate indifference to the substantial risk of serious harm from COVID-19 infection to … medically vulnerable people in [his] custody” which “violates their rights.”

Barnes is a practical man and must have done a double-take when the judge gave that order. More

21 Comments on California Sheriff Refuses ‘Absurd’ Order to Release Murderers and Rapists Due to Pandemic

  1. Test inmate. Test = positive = solitary confinement for three weeks. Test= negative, no change. No release for illness. If it’s terminal they can offer a bullet to ease suffering.

  2. The problem for the ACLU, lawyers, judges and pols is if they succeed in destroying rule of law as they are trying so hard to do, they will no longer be able to cower behind it when their turn to face the music comes along.

  3. “Let no crisis go to waste”. Seems to be the creed of every leftist activist, and that includes activist judges. And if there is no crises then they create one all designed to tear down existing institutions so they can replace them with their own – – the Hegelian principle on steroids. We all know what the end goal is. The question is what are we going to do about it?

  4. Given all the governor orders that clearly violate civil liberties, I’ve been wondering why the ACLU hasn’t been filing suit in every blue state against unconstitutional restrictions. Then I remember–the ACLU is a bunch of commies more interested in destroying the constitution than upholding it.

  5. …the rapists and pedos very likely have aids anyway, so the worst of the worst will have compromised immune systems as a result of their own evil, and that’s what the Democrats want to loose among us.

    …but its important to them, they have to free up 74 million spaces for REAL criminals who committed the heinous crime of voting for freedom after Harrus takes over, so its understandable why they want to let all those reliable Biden votes out, they’re pedos, he’s a pedophile, so he represents them well…

  6. The Sheriff understands the JDHasty body of teachings, which state, in no uncertain words, that the progressive movement is 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death, has been since its inception and will always be so inclined. His duty is to protect INNOCENT human beings and as such is under no obligation to carry out orders that emanate from sub human pieces of shit that are followers of the progressive movement and in a position to implement the progressive agenda, designed with the purpose in mind of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    The world would be a better place if all “public servants” were inclined to respect and implement their oaths of office.

  7. Here’s a nice solution to this judge’s insanity: Make the judge and all progressive politicians house these “medically vulnerable” murderers and rapists under their roofs. If these low-life snakes don’t come down with Covid, they then can thank them…as any snake might. Problem solved.

  8. …at first I was just thinking of the rapists having a compromised immune system because of their sin, but it occurs to me that the murderers have a pretty good shot too as they ply their trade. Most murders are bloody and close range except for drive-bys, so they’re gonna be opened up to a whole RANGE of bloodborne pathogens, especially if they do overly dramatic stuff like lick the knife or get some spray in the eyes and mucous membranes.

    So its like God made it more likely for these people to become sickened physically by their moral sins.

    …so who are we to go against God…


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