California Shouldn’t Secede from the U.S. – IOTW Report

California Shouldn’t Secede from the U.S.

It should divide in two.

national review: Los Angeles — Liberals used to hate secession, the notion that states could leave the Union as they did before the Civil War because they didn’t agree with the policies of the federal government. But with Donald Trump’s election, many California liberals suddenly have warm words for a budding ballot initiative that has just begun collecting signatures in order to place secession, or “Calexit,” on the ballot.

At the height of the tea-party movement, Texas governor Rick Perry merely hinted at the thought that Texas might react to President Obama’s executive overreach by reclaiming its one-time status as an independent republic. He was denounced as something akin to a traitor; critics lamented that he wanted to return Texas to the era of sharecroppers or Jim Crow. Now Dan Schnur, who teaches political communications at the University of Southern California, says “California is the new Texas,” with its elected officials promoting a “virtual secession.” The secessionists plan to take to the legislature, the courts, and the streets to resist Trump’s agenda. Never before have so many prominent Californians gotten into such a reactionary, defensive crouch. Some of their rhetoric resembles that of the “massive resistance” movement in the 1950s South, which vowed to fight federal intrusion into the right of states to run their own discriminatory elections, segregate public schools, and ignore federal law enforcement.

Assembly speaker Anthony Rendon has warned Trump that he better not dare to go after any of the state’s estimated 2 million illegal immigrants: “If you want to get to them, you have to go through us.” Governor Jerry Brown vows to block any attempt to divert California from its radical plan to limit carbon emissions: “We’ve got the scientists. We’ve got the lawyers, and we’re ready to fight.” State attorney general Xavier Bacerra says one of his top priorities is the “resistance” against Washington’s deportation of illegal immigrants, even to the point of paying their legal fees to fight the federales. On policy after policy, from dramatically higher minimum wages to the nation’s most steeply progressive income tax, California’s leaders are pursuing a 180-degree departure from the priorities of Team Trump. They say this is the perfect time for a breakup, and they cite a new Reuters-Ipsos poll showing that 32 percent of Californians (mostly Democrats) back the idea.

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25 Comments on California Shouldn’t Secede from the U.S.

  1. It shouldn’t divide in two, either.

    Send the Mexicans back to Mexico – that will cut California’s population by around 55%. This is not an exaggeration. This has happened in 50 years, due entirely to the 1965 immigration reform act, and later illegal alien amnesty actions by the treasonous filth called Democrats.

    Send all of the leftists back to New York, or points farther east, and close the universities (since there won’t be any professors left in CA).

    The remaining 8 million or so people will be OK. This would make California nice again.

  2. No, let’s invade them, burn their cities, destroy their institutions and make them take loyalty oaths before bringing them back into the Union under occupying military forces.

    Turn about is fair play….

  3. I’m all for California seceding. Just turn that Mexican border wall north on the west side of Arizona. We can then deport all the illegal immigrants to California and we all live happily ever after.

  4. It’s not going to happen. This is all just a diversion to draw your attention to some other crap. Typical liberal tactics. Like lil chuckle schumer invisible alligator tears. Meh! Cry chuckle, cry.

  5. when i was a child, one of the great summer family enjoyments was to go to the beach, we called it del mar beach, just south of venice beach ca

    a few yrs back, i took my parents there for old time memories, but that was not to be

    instead, what we found was a parking lot of gang-bangers, druggies, and homeless

    the beach was full of mexicans, many drunk, stumbling around and swimming in their clothes

    the beach was littered with food wrappers and cups, bottles, cans, you name it, they just leave their shit everywhere

    the environment that i had recalled fondly as a child was not a nightmarish, hostile, filthy environment

    and it was clear what the cause was

    a city turned into a sanctuary for filthy, littering, drugged and / or drunk illegals who have no respect for our laws or culture

    it was almost as if there needed to be a blimp flying by with a giant sign that said “fuck you, gringos”

    depressing, never went back, my boys have never been taken there and never will be

  6. Northern California has 3 Representatives out of 53 state wide. The L.A. basin and San Fransisco are saturated with them. I’m all for splitting in two and really like the map attached to this article. We have ZERO representation.

  7. I once lost a promotion because I refused to even travel to California a few years back.

    For all I care I’d probably understand a person from North Korea before I’d understand people who would vote for jjjeeery brownshirt and his ilk.

  8. The big problem is California has 1.5+ Million illegal or dead voters. Our election system needs a good flushing or two to work properly.
    If this cannot be fixed before the 2018 election, the demitards will use all their dead voters to exit the union. Help President Trump!!!

  9. If they do secede, we’ll have to build a wall around California, so it doesn’t become like Belgium was to the Magineau Line (I can’t spell English much less French place names).

    The Democrat Party came into existence for secession. They seceded right after the abolitionists got their candidate (Licoln) elected president. They earned the name Democrat when they tried to expand the political power of the slave states by demanding incoming territories hold referenda on the slave/free question, knowing full well they could bribe people, stuff ballot boxes, “find” ballots, etc. to get the outcome they wanted. After they lost the war, they called their opponnents the “black Republican” party, and refused to seat elected black Republicans. The Democrats came up with Jim Crow and bogus literacy tests to prevent black from voting Republican. LBJ tricked blacks into turning Democrat, but that’s a different story.

  10. The notion that liberals oppose secession would contradict the attitudes of the leadership of the south who voted to actually secede from the union and propagated the civil war. They were Democrats and the results of the 1860 presidential election precipitated those acts. The Republicans won. Following the war the general divide of the country was north Republican and the south Democrat for a very long time.

    I do believe that the national democratic party will oppose any attempts at secession as it would dilute their power base and separate them from their source of funding from the hollyweird aristocracy. Splitting the state will not happen either. The controlling liberal establishment which is located in the coastal regions will not relinquish its control over the food production network that is located in the inland portions.

    I sympathize with those who are conservative and live in California. Once we as a nation decided that letting mexicans in was OK at an uncontrolled rate and without supervision, California was doomed. It is only a question of time before the fate that has befallen California overtakes many other states in our nation. With millions of children being born of foreign parents who are here illegally practically yearly, the idea of literally being overrun is not unrealistic.

    I expect that the ‘intriguing’ discussion of California seceding will fade as soon as the border wall starts being finished and new laws regarding immigration take effect. Then we will hear the wails and cries of the left as to how ‘cruel and unfair’ we conservatives are. This is just a question of time. Especially so if Sen. Mc’Lame and his gang of whatever start opening their mouths and start echoing the left. They should be run out of the party if you ask me.

  11. There are about 25 million people who live 50 miles from the ocean on a strip that stretches from Camp Pendleton in the South to Marin County. There might be a majority of people in that area who would vote to secede. Let them go — we’ll call the new nation “Coast Strip One”

  12. So.California here – We Want Our Freakin Bear Back ,San Fran please take the braids out of Bears hair.
    Central California – for your Flag Maybe 1/2 Cher & the other half Michael Jackson.

  13. A liberal friend of mine mentioned that he would support succession. I replied that now was the time to push for this – much of the rest of the country would support it. Surprisingly, my friend starting backtracking on his support for succession.

    Succession is a pipe dream, and even California liberals know this. Liberal Californian’s need the Federal government to both enforce their progressive agenda and pay for their lunatic ideas. The legal and economic implications of succession would be disastrous for the state, and they know it.

    It would be an interesting experiment, but succession won’t happen, and splitting the state into two or more political subdivisions won’t happen. Liberals need conservatives and moderates because these are the people who produce things and get things done, and succession would leave California with nothing but useless leftists who could become dangerous as things start to deteriorate.

  14. Trump should trade Southern California to Mexico for a a chunk of the eastern Gulf of California in Mexico.
    Arizona gets a sea coast, and Mexico gets their shithole back

  15. Decisions, decisions, secede or be expel? That is the question.
    It would eliminate a flat broke state looking to the rest of us to bail them out.
    It would eliminate Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Karmala Harris and Maxine Waters from involvement in our political process. So exactly how would California’s departure be a bad thing?
    If this does come to pass, could we ask Illinois to secede next?

  16. Never understood that whole Civil War thing – you wanna go – GO!
    Good riddance to bad rubbish.
    The fact that the Constitution is silent on the issue of secession, should imply that it devolves to the 10th Amendment, not to killing half a million Americans.
    If CA wants to go – then GO! It isn’t American in any sense of the word, anyway. Just make sure that the American Californians have recourse to stay in the United States. The maggots and minions of “Moonbeam” probably don’t speak for every individual in the state.

    izlamo delenda est …

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